
Friday 3 March 2023

Please hurry up (warmer weather that is)

 Husband wasn't feeling too good yesterday, breathless and some minor chest pains - nothing out of the ordinary, just one of his not so good days.  I had a minor stomach upset - again, nothing to worry about, my guts are often a bit temperamental, it was probably just all the excitement from the day before!  So we had a restful day yesterday, doing not a lot.  I just did the essential bits of housework in the morning, then chopped up all the veggies for dinner (roasted Mediterranean veg done in the AF, with smoked salmon stirred through for me, husband had a pasty with his).  Then I went upstairs and read my book after lunch, with Betty fast asleep on my bed, whilst husband watched a film/dozed downstairs.  After an early night and plenty of sleep, we both feel better today.  I'm certainly sleeping well lately, I can only put it down to being devoid of stress recently.  Husband's taking the car to the garage for another minor job today, I've just got washing and the normal housework jobs to do, then I might start sorting out a few more things in my craft room/spare bedroom, seeing as we'll have a guest sleeping in it for a visit next month.

We've had some lovely bright sunshiny days recently, but it's so blimmin cold.  I do wish it would start warming up a bit, it would be nice not to have the heating on such a lot...I'm just glad we can afford it.  I've not been putting my washing out on the line - it's so cold it just doesn't dry, even after being out for several hours....besides which, I get absolutely frozen standing there pegging it all out on the line.  I really don't like being cold nowadays - I'd almost say bring back my hot flushes!! 😂  I'm so glad Betty sleeps on my bed, it's like having a big furry hot water bottle.  Although she is a bit fidgety....and snores quite a bit....and has lots of woofy dreams where she's obviously chasing a rabbit or pheasant.  Ah well, small price to pay for a warm night!

If it's going to be as cold as 'they' say it is next week, then I doubt we'll be going to the fact we probably won't be going anywhere - I don't do cold weather!  Although, having said that, I have my first physio exercise class next interesting to see if it's cancelled, if there's snow.  I saw a forecast yesterday that said there may be snow in Taunton and Bridgwater (we're in between those 2 towns), but another forecast said there probably won't be any in Somerset.  So it's a case of wait and see.

Cold and frosty - I think, it was still dark when I got up - again this morning, going to be cloudy today apparently.  


  1. No frost here but it does feel chilly all the same. I don't like feeling cold either; it will be so nice when the warmer weather lands.

  2. Yes, the warmer weather does make me feel better, too. I long for the day when I can come downstairs and open the patio doors, even if it's only for a little while. Oh, well, we're getting there. We'll soon be saying it's too hot! xx

  3. They have even said there is a possibility of snow along the south coast, we hardly ever get snow.

  4. We had lovely weather here, but I know more cold is coming. Here on the Canadian Prairies we are lucky if spring reaches us by Easter.

    God bless.


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