
Wednesday 14 November 2018

Feeling quietly desperate

Our low spend November is even more important now, what with the car troubles.  There's enough money in the bank to pay the bills, and logically I know we have enough food to last us quite a while, Betty included.  But I kept waking up during the night and panicking.

So today I'm going to do a full freezer and larder inventory.  Seeing it all written down should help calm my nerves, which feel shredded right now.  It'll give me back a bit of control, hopefully.


  1. Even a tiny bit of control will help, you go girl!

  2. Don't worry everything will turn out OK. Wake up in the night just go and make a cuppa and get back into bed slowly drink it and drift back off to sleep........ That's what I do

  3. Just keep saying to yourself 'Everything passes' it helps a bit.

  4. I find inventorising really does help. Knowledge is power.
    I'll go back and read your last post which I must have missed after losing connection.

  5. Know how you feel, our car as cost a fortune in the last few weeks, I need to get a grip on the finances and stop spending. Good luck with it all, yes knowing what you have will help you, I shall be doing the same.

  6. Doing a stock take will help to calm your nerves. You had mentioned in a post that you were trying to add to your store cupboard, and you are such a good cook, you'll get through this. I understand how stressful it must be for you though.

  7. Thank you for the comment on my blog, I have hit rock bottom since writing that post with news about my arm.

  8. And this too shall pass - as the saying goes. You will be fine, I promise you. Just remember to breathe deeply. xxx

  9. All credit to you for taking control when panic hits. The larder and freezer inventory sounds a really good idea.


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