
Sunday 11 November 2018

Recipes - Veg fritters and winter roots coleslaw

Some good ideas for frozen veg, thank you.

The frozen mixed veg & cheese fritters were delicious, I'll be making them again for sure.

Bit of a loose recipe, I didn't really measure or weigh anything.  I made a batter with half SR flour, half gram flour (purely because I like the taste), 1 egg, enough milk to make a thick batter.  I mixed in some spices and herbs (a good shake of SeasonAll, and bigger shake of dried chives and parsley), you could use whatever you like best.  Then I stirred in about a mugful of the mixed veg, which I'd defrosted and cooked a bit in the microwave first, plus a big handful of grated Cheddar.  Dropped heaped dessertspoonfuls into some shallow hot oil in a large heavy frying pan, flattening them down a bit.  Left them cooking on a medium heat until the underside was brown, then flipped them over to do the other side.  Drained on kitchen paper, then served warm with a bit of salad and blob of mayo.  Husband really liked them too and asked if we could have them again.

For the winter veg coleslaw, I grated about a 1/4 of a small swede, 2 carrots, 1 large parsnip and mixed together, along with a finely chopped shallot.  I suddenly had a brainwave and added a grated apple too, skin included.  For the dressing, I stirred together a tablespoon of mayo, the same of Greek yogurt and, instead of the mustard I was originally going to use, a teaspoon of creamed horseradish.  Salt and pepper and a splash of lemon juice added too.  Delicious, much nicer than shop bought ordinary coleslaw.  On the subject of which, has anyone noticed that shop coleslaws nowadays seem to be all cabbage with just a few strands of carrot?  Why, when carrots are so cheap?!

We've a new Lidl opened up in town last week, it's huge, as big as any of the major supermarkets.  Went there this morning as husband had seen a particular type of electric saw for sale in there (I'm positive he has at least 3 or 4 electric saws already, why he needs another I don't know - he assures me they're all for different purposes and having this particular one will 'really help him out' *rolls eyes*).  It was heaving so we didn't look all the way round.  I wanted some ham, but also bought some sliced Maasdam cheese which they sell in big packs, a bottle of rapeseed oil at half the price of the major supermarkets, and pack of pork slices which were also cheap.  I am not going shopping again until at least next week!


  1. We have a local Lidl, we popped there this morning, I love the value, we had two huge bags full for just over £60, this trick is to stay away from the middle isles. Love your veg fritters, will have to try some.

    1. This new one is about 3x the size of the old one, it looks lovely (what we could see of it through the crowds!).

  2. Just reading about the fritters makes me feel hungry but it's at least two hours until dinner time so I will just have to be patient.
    It sounds like that Lidl will be worth another visit (or several) in the future.

    1. Yes I'm sure we'll be shopping there regularly....well, not too regularly seeing as we're trying to cut down on shopping!

  3. I always make my own coleslaw I think it tastes nicer and is better value. Lidl is very good for non food items, my husband has bought many things there over the years.

    1. Homemade is definitely better, you can put what you like in it can't you.

  4. I like the sound of your coleslaw; I have never bought any so can't compare.

    We have a brand new Lidl too, it was rather entertaining and I shall return. I wonder why Marlene says to avoid the middle aisles?

    1. TA, it's because the middle aisles are generally full of 'gadgets' for sale, which husbands find hard to resist!

  5. When the kids were all at at home I used to make Latka's, grated pots in batter and then fried, delicious.
    I love Lidl and go there a couple of times a week. Much cheaper but good quality, just have to try to avoid the sweet aisle, lol

  6. We have a big Lidl store and it is part of my shopping round trip. I do like Aldi but the nearest is almost an hours round trip, so not worth the time or petrol. I park the SO in the middle while i shop in peace and scoop him up once I have finished.

  7. The fritters sound delicious. I'm new to your blog and am taking inspiration from your recipes. I live alone and don't cook very much, I'm afraid. I would like to have a few more recipes in my repertoire that don't cost too much and don't take to long to prepare when I get home from work.


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