
Friday 16 November 2018

Gremlins and hash

Laptop switched on this morning and seems fine, no idea what was wrong with it yesterday, it must have decided I didn't have enough to piss me off!

Got my flu jab and annual diabetes checks this morning - bloods, wee test, foot check, BP and weight.  I'm expecting the worst, as it's not been a good year - comfort eating so weight on and BP through the roof, I expect.  I will be very surprised if my blood glucose level hasn't gone up.  Hey ho.

More comfort food for dinner tonight - corned beef hash.  Not had that for years.  Got half a tin of corned beef to use up, plus several bags of leftover cooked veggies in the freezer.  Brown sauce at the ready.


  1. Corned beef hash is really lovely! Yum.
    Good luck at the health check.
    And great news about the laptop. Sometimes they just set out to annoy us, I think.

  2. My comfort food at the moment is cauliflower cheese and new potatoes. Yumm! I use half and half milk/cauliflower cooking water with a nod to calorie reduction!!
    Fingers and toes crossed for the health test results.

  3. Corned beef hash sounds nice. Pleased your laptop okay and hopefully you will get good news at the health check which sounds like 3 nice things are good today. Have a nice day.
    Hazel c uk

  4. Afternoon Sue

    Hope the check up isn't as bad as you fear. Corned beef hash? I've heard of it, but have never tried it. Hubby eats corned beef in a sandwich. Hope you thoroughly enjoy it, goodness knows you've had a rubbish time lately.

    How is the adorable Betty? Getting plenty of fuss and cuddles? I sure do miss my Bonnie (German Shepherd).

    Pleased that I've 'found' you and look forward to your daily posting.

    Hugs and licks (the hugs are for you and licks for Betty :-) )


  5. I found some corned beef in the freezer this morning and instantly decided on hash for tomorrow. Brown sauce will be at the ready as well.

  6. I haven't had corn beef since I was a kid. DH is not a fan so it's not something I make. Same with liver and onions, I love it, he hates it. We have a favourite restaurant that we go to that makes the best liver and onions so I sometimes have it there. Hope the health check turns out not as bad as anticipated!


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