
Monday 19 November 2018

My one bit of Xmas prep

Thank you for comments - Gemma's Person, I had to laugh at the thought of facing Nurse Huffy (good name, by the way) whilst imagining all my blog readers standing behind me poking their tongues out at her!

I've kept busy today, to take my mind off the coming appointment (Wednesday first thing).  Made a big pot of tomato, lentil and bean soup for lunches for the next few days - husband will be busy outside this week, helping an elderly neighbour with his garden and doing a few DIY jobs, so he'll need a hot lunch.  I've done a fish pie for dinner, double portion so one for the freezer.  I also made mincemeat, so the house smells lovely.  As I've said before, we don't really do Christmas, there's only the 2 of us so we don't make a big thing of it.  I only decorate the hall window, we don't buy each other presents, I don't make a Christmas cake as it's only husband who eats it (and he doesn't like marzipan or icing), nor a Christmas pud - too rich for both of us.  We don't have turkey as neither of us really likes it, but we do have a nice roast - beef or gammon usually.  And we do like mince pies, so I always make those.  I've been making my own mincemeat for a few years now, it's so easy and tastes so much nicer than shop bought.

As it was a sunny day yesterday, we took Betty to the beach - she loves running around and digging in the sand.

Don't be deceived by the bright blue sky and sunshine - it was absolutely freezing with a strong, bitterly cold wind.  We didn't stay long because of that, but it was good to blow a few cobwebs away.  


  1. Hi Sue I have made a big pot of lentil and tomato soup today, it is in the slow cooker. We are not going overboard on food at Christmas, after all its only for a few days. Lovely to see Betty enjoying run, yes it is much colder, stay warm. x

  2. So pleased you had a nice walk at the seaside we have been so lucky with the weather the last few days.
    Hope everything goes well for you at the hospital. I will be there on Wednesday for a Cardiologist appointment and my young sister as an appointment for a Cancer appointment on Wednesday so hope we will all be okay.
    Hazel c uk

  3. Sending you good vibes and best wishes for Wednesaday.
    It's been jolly cold here too and it's started raining - very bleak and bitter.

  4. Sorry I deleted my comment it was missing a word.
    Glad you laughed, glad to know that!
    Now when you go in she is going to wonder what you are laughing at..thinking about us all standing behind you sticking our tongues out. Hope it goes well.

  5. The sea makes me happy and soothes my soul. I’ve put on 9lbs in the last year so it’s time to lower the carbs and up the veggies again. Soup’s been made and frozen so that will help.


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