
Tuesday 24 October 2023

A hug for Sue, and a hippyish baby blanket

 I'd like to start off by saying I hope Sue of A Smaller and Simpler Life/A Year of Modern Rationing is well and enjoying her blogging break.  I miss your blogs Sue, as I'm sure we all do, but understand that we must all do what is best for us.  I hope you'll return to Blogland, but that's a selfish point of view.  Take care Sue, and please have a (collective) virtual hug from us all.

I finished the main body of the crochet baby blanket yesterday, and started on the border, it's a couple of rows of single crochet and then a scalloped shell edge.  I'm now going to crochet a few single and double flowers, and maybe a couple of butterflies, and sew them on.  The main part of the blanket is in a deep aubergine colour, the border is lilac and the flowers and butterflies will be lilac and shades of pink.  Our neighbour dresses in quite a Bohemian, hippyish way and is having a little girl, so slightly unconventional colours would I feel be more suited to her than the normal plain cream and pink.  I was initially going to do the blanket in shades of dove grey, teal green and mustard yellow - that was before I knew she was having a girl though....those colours would have been more suited to a boy I think.  I've enjoyed making this one, once finished I might carry on with the dove grey one - I'd started it some weeks back, before changing to the aubergine colour scheme.  The dove grey one can go in my stash - I'm sure there'll be a baby boy born sooner or later.  I do like crocheting, especially baby blankets, through the winter - it's nice to have a warm lapful of wool.  Oh and I'll put a pic of the blanket on here when it's done.

I made a lovely dinner yesterday, if I do say so myself.  It was new potatoes thinly sliced and layered with sliced leeks and smoked salmon, I made a cheese, pesto and cream sauce to pour over it (had part of a tub of fresh pesto to use up) and baked it in the oven.  It was gorgeous, even husband really liked it and he's not really a fan of smoked salmon - says it's too strong tasting.  Served it with long stemmed broccoli.  Today husband's having roast chicken slices I froze in gravy, he's asked for mash and peas with it.  I'm having a portion of the herby crumble-topped ratatouille I made and froze a couple of weeks ago.  So it's a non-cooking day today.


  1. We all need to do what's best for us at times. I hope Sue enjoys the break, however long it may be. I often read her blog but seldom comment.
    The baby blanket sound ideal for your neighbour's baby. I don't really like the "typical" baby blankets, I prefer something with a bit more character! I do agree that crocheting blankets is so nice in the winter. Warm knees and legs - bliss! xx

  2. I look forward to seeing the finished baby blanket. I have a vision in my mind and can't wait to see if it matches your description. The colors sound perfect as do the other color combination (ie boys' blanket) and I'm sure momma to be will appreciate your beautiful work. Ranee (MN) USA

  3. The blanket sounds wonderful - as does that dinner. I love smoked salmon. xx

  4. That dinner sounds delicious. I love anything like that.


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