
Tuesday 3 October 2023

Weight irritation, dog treat, and not being listened to

 I've put 3lbs back on, which is annoying.  I'm sure it's because I've started eating more carbs - carbs are really bad news for me....carbs in pasta, bread, rice and potatoes that is, even though we always have wholemeal or wholegrain versions of them.  So I'm cutting back on them again.  

We're taking Betty to a secure fenced purpose made dog exercise field today, there are quite a few springing up around here.  This one has plenty of 'toys' for dogs to play with or train on (if that's your thing) - giant tractor tyres, ramps, tunnels, etc, even a pond your dog can play in (fenced and gated in case you don't want the dog to go in it).  There's a hut for shelter, with a raised platform for brushing or towelling off your dogs, and a water supply with hose to wash them or give them a drink.  You hire the field for 30 mins or an hour, giving you exclusive use of it for that time.  It's a great space for safe and secure private play for your dog/s - Betty does have a strong prey drive and races off in pursuit of pheasants, rabbits or deer in the field behind us, there's less likelihood of her seeing them in the exercise field.  (She never catches them, she's a sprinter not a marathon runner, she runs out of steam quite quickly).  She's also not terribly keen on other dogs and especially doesn't like them sticking their noses up her backside - which most dogs do, it's their way of greeting each other and finding out about them.  Can't say I blame her!  This is a trial run, if she likes it in the field we'll take her regularly.

I got a lovely shower jacket at Clarks Village yesterday, a black quilted one with a hood, just what I wanted, from M&S.  No winter boots though, nothing really took my fancy - I did get a new veg peeler though!  I've tried it out already this morning, peeling some carrots - wow, it's so smooth and quick, like a knife through butter, I can't believe I've been using that same old blunt one for years.  And it is old, I've had it a very long time, it's in the bin now.

I had a copy of the letter the cardiology consultant has sent to my GP (that was quick!).  The consultant wanted to know why I didn't take a statin - so I told him, giving my reasons quite clearly (I have done plenty of research into statins).  He said we need to weigh up the risks and benefits, he was clearly in favour of taking them.  In the letter to my GP, he recommends that the GP start me on statins!  Now, my GP knows why I won't take them and is fine with it being my choice - the consultant, however, clearly pretty much ignored my wishes and has ridden rough shod over them.  Well, I'm not taking them (should my GP try to prescribe them) and that's that.  I thought the consultant was a nice man when I saw him, now I'm not so sure.  I know he has to put forward what he thinks is the best course of action, but to totally ignore my views and tell my GP to prescribe a drug that I've firmly stated I'm not happy to take just strikes me as bullying.  It's my body and I'm not being browbeaten into doing something I don't want to do.


  1. I've seen those doggy exercise fields popping up around here. It's a great idea and sounds like great fun for the dogs. I'd be furious if a consultant tried to bully me into taking statins and completely understand your reluctance.

  2. I've taken a low dose statin ever since 2011 but at that time I was 4st heavier than I am now and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I've never had any side effects luckily, but do often question myself whether I still need them- I'm on the lowest dose. My BMI now is as it should be & my cholesterol is and always was fine, but I think the statins go hand in hand with the other diabetic tablets I'm on.

  3. We used to take my daughters dog to one of those fields as she is very reactive to other dogs. She and Beano had a great time there.

  4. I took them for long enough to get my numbers back down and now only take them 3 x's a side effects. Thinking of going twice a week. We'll see after my lab work in January.

  5. My husband has taken statins for years with no side effects. I recently had my cholesterol checked and it's slightly high. I know I should go to see the GP about it, but I'm reluctant to start taking regular medication. Daft I know, and maybe I'll change my mind one day. I eat (reasonably) healthily, my BP is low and I'm no longer overweight, so I think (hope) my risk of heart disease/stroke is fairly low.
    The dog field sounds ideal for Betty. I hope she likes it. Shame you didn't find any winter boots, but hopefully you won't need them for a good few weeks yet! xx

  6. We have a few of those dog exercise fields around here, one that you can book privately for a set period and a couple that you can take dogs too that get on well with other dogs. We keep saying that we will take our two but we've never gotten around to it.

    I totally understand your reluctance to take statins, neither of us would dream of taking them, once you realise the long term damage they do there's just no way you would take them is there. Sometimes it can just be that medical people that don't see us regularly don't realise what we will and wont do, and what we will take and won't. I was prescribed a tablet to go alongside my BP medication by the pharmacist to try and make it more efficient for me, but he obviously didn't even read my notes properly. After me being violently sick within minutes of taking it I read the box properly ... it contained lactose, and obviously enough to give me an immediate reaction. It gets so that you start to lose all faith in professionals doesn't it.

  7. We have what we call dog parks here, and I have watched the dogs play and visit with other dogs. It is nice that they get to have a special place to go, just like people.

    God bless.

  8. I don't blame you, Sooze - I'd be most reluctant too although, to be fair, both my parents took them without any noticeable side effects. Even so - no thanks. xx


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