
Monday 23 October 2023

Packed up, loads of washing, and crochet to finish

 We had a really lovely last day at the caravan yesterday, and the sun shone all day, with a few spots of rain as we were leaving.  We got everything done at a leisurely pace, car packed up throughout the day, and we didn't forget anything, for a change.  One or two minor irritations - husband twice put bags in the car before I'd finished packing stuff into them, and he turned the water off when I still had a bit of washing up to do and the sink/drainer to wash down.  He has this habit of doing things thinking he's being helpful, but without asking me first, so they're not really that helpful.  And for some inexplicable reason, he put the coolbag that we'd taken our packed lunch and 2 milk cartons in (his ordinary milk and my lactose-free one) on its side in the car.  He'd cross-threaded the lid on his milk carton, meaning of course it leaked out on the way home in the tipped up on its side coolbag.  Well, at least it was in the coolbag I suppose, and not loose in the car where it would have stunk the car out for weeks.

There were fewer people there at the park than I was expecting, apparently some had already been down last week to close up.  One couple, friends of ours, are staying until the 31st, the last day of the season - they're even planning on decorating the outside of their van for Halloween this coming weekend!  And they told us another owner, one of the vans on the upper area near to us, died last week after being ill for some weeks.  Don't know what her husband will do now, he may not want to come on his own so might sell up.  As it's mainly an older population of owners on our park, there are one or two deaths every year, sadly.

I brought all the toiletries and tinned/packet foods back from the van, now we're well stocked up at home for the next few weeks.  From next January, I'll start buying a couple of things along with the fortnightly shopping, to restock the van when we go back early March.  Got a large laundry bag full of bedding, towels, tea towels and our van dressing gowns to wash this week.

So that's another year of breaks at our lovely van over with, we didn't go as often this year due to the weather not being so good.  We'll try to go more often next year, even if only for a couple of days at a time - we have to pay the site fees regardless of whether we use the van or not, so it makes sense to go as often as we can.  The friends we were talking to today practically live at their van most of the season - unfortunately for them, they have problem neighbours where they live at home, so prefer to be in their van where it's so much more peaceful.  They're both retired, obviously.

It was one of those nights where I couldn't get comfortable in bed (my back and hip are being especially painful at the moment) and couldn't shut my mind down, so not much sleep.  I must get round to reading that Sleep book that Jayne recommended!  Not had a chance yet (or been too tired, haha).  Today and tomorrow I must get on with the crocheted baby blanket and try and get it finished....the neighbour's baby is due imminently.  The main body of the blanket is nearly done, just another couple of rows, then I've the border to do and a few crochet flowers to make and sew on, so I'm on the home straight really.


  1. I'm glad you had a good last day, but sad it WAS the last day! I think it's a man thing, this "helping" with packing. I have a list of things we need to take when we go away, so I can just mentally them check off as I put them in the cases. My husband flits from one thing to another and starts to pack things into the car before I'm ready. I keep telling him to wait until everything is packed into the cases/bags, but no! No wonder I end up frazzled and headachy! xx

  2. Sorry I have been AWOL - google will just not let me sign in to comment on anything other than an iPad 🤬

    Glad your book arrived, I found it is one that is best read a chapter at a time and then thought about for a while before you go onto the next one.

    Sad isn’t it, when you have to pack up the caravan. I feel the same way about my van. x

  3. So your lovely caravan is packed up for the winter, did you ever give it a name. I feel like a caravan would be nice for us, but we live in a sea side town so no need really.... but it would be nice to be somewhere in holidays mode now and then.

  4. Men, eh? :-)
    So sad that that's it for another year. Now there's the spring to look forward to.
    You sounds well on top of things. Enjoy the crochet. Will you post a photo when it's done and given? xx


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