
Thursday 2 May 2024

And breathe.....

 Husband is definitely having an off week - more so than usual.  As well as not going to his Sheds group on Monday, he also announced he wasn't going to his bowls group Tuesday evening either - when I asked why, he just shrugged and said "It's raining" (it's in the village hall just 5 minutes walk away, he does have a big waterproof jacket and an umbrella).  It transpires that he's wanting to book the car in for a service, and that's his latest all-consuming obsession/hyper focus, to the exclusion of everything else.  He's also being quite annoying in other ways - a relief Housing Support Officer came yesterday instead of ringing us as they have been, I usually speak to them on my own as husband talks their ears off about all sorts of inconsequential rubbish.  Unfortunately, he decided not to keep out of the way this time but followed me out into the hallway and proceeded to rabbit on about anything and everything...when I could get a word in I just gently reminded him that she has 30-odd other households to call on and needed to get on.  He also knocked some crockery off the dish drainer - luckily the 2 bowls and 2 small plates fell onto the worktop, not the floor, and didn't smash, but the noise scared the bejesus out of poor Betty, who bolted into my bedroom.  Later on, he stumbled in the hallway and once again fell against the Careline alarm, resulting in them calling to ask what our emergency was.  It's not the first time he's done that, and won't be the last.  But I dare say he's not the only one who does it.

I did ask the H/Officer if she knew anything about the police visits to the neighbour, saying I was a bit concerned about it and the possibility that the young woman might be being exploited.  The H/O looked very surprised, said they'd heard nothing at all and thanked me for bringing it to her attention.

In the afternoon, I had a long video call with my sister - she's also carer for her very disabled husband and has been for about 20 years, so is well practised at holding her tongue and has oodles of patience.  So I picked her brains about how to cope when you feel like screaming and running out of the door!  She advised counting to 10 (I already do that!) and the importance of having some free time by myself.  So it's a pity I haven't had that this week!  However, husband says he is definitely going to his gym session this morning, so that'll be just over an hour of peace and quiet.

We'd had sunshine forecast for yesterday, but didn't actually have any at all, it was dull and cloudy all day, albeit dry and not especially cold.  I successfully separated the hosta and saxifrage that husband had bought me and planted the 5 new plants.  We also planted 2 butternut squash and 1 of 2 courgettes - the 2nd courgette little plant had rotted, so we'll have to get another to replace it.  Forecast is for heavy rain again today, mixed sunshine and showers from Friday onwards, but getting warmer.  Thunderstorms were predicted for last night, but we didn't hear any, although it did rain hard.  Surely there can't be any more water up there?! 🤯


  1. Well, I hope your husband gets back into his hobbies. It gave both of you some time out. You need a cushion to thump and scream into when things get rough.
    I'm glad you mentioned the neighbour and her police visits. Even if it's nothing untoward (although why the police would be there otherwise) it'll put your mind at rest.
    Warm and sunny here yesterday, so I managed to get some work done in the garden. Supposed to be the same again, today, but then I think it's all downhill.😡 We will get more than the odd day of spring/summer weather, won't we? xx

  2. Those bad days can be really tough, can't they? I think it's because we know that they are so much more than just the ordinary husbandly clumsiness or forgetfulness, etc, which would just make us irritated and perhaps resentful sometimes. Instead, we also have to deal with the feelings of anxiety, sadness and loneliness that we feel when we see some deterioration in our husbands. The feelings all get churned up together, which makes it super-tough! I'm so glad you have your sister to talk to, even if only by phone. Sisters can be maddening, but they can also be pure gold sometimes! 🙂

  3. If the clumsiness continues to get worse, I think I'd call the doc. Blood pressure can play with your equilibrium...
    It's been such a rainy Spring here in central Texas. My roses have stopped blooming because of the lack of sunshine.
    Have a sweet day!

  4. We all need time by ourselves so I do hope your Hubby starts going out to those things he really enjoyed at one time.

    God bless.

  5. I gather we had some dramatic storming overnight here - I missed it all as once the hearing aids are out, I am deaf to the world. Such erratic weather at the moment. Fingers crossed it settles somewhat soon. xx


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