
Saturday 11 May 2024

Betty's lawn and 3 weeks today 😁 EDITED

 We went and collected the turf rolls yesterday morning (not forgetting some plastic to put them on, to stop MUD falling off into the car 😂😏 - I still keep chuckling over that).  They'd given us an extra roll - the lady said they generally do that, how kind of them.  It's a good system they have, all the ordered rolls are stacked on individual pallets with an envelope tucked into the top, with the customer's name, quantity and cost clearly written on them, you put your payment in the envelope, seal it and put it in their secure brick postbox.  It's a big farm and the owners are obviously busy throughout the day, so it's a system which means they don't have to be around when you come to collect.  I should add it's in the middle of nowhere so there's no rogue passing traffic to come along and steal it.  They also provide a leaflet giving laying instructions and aftercare.  All very efficient.

We nearly came to blows (a slight exaggeration) when we started laying it.  Neither of us has ever laid turf before, so I'd read through the leaflet first and then read it out to husband.  Well, he wouldn't follow the instructions (not my instructions, the professionals!), he thought he knew better and was going about it in what seemed to me to be a totally illogical way.  Husband can be very stubborn, gets very argumentative when I disagree or question him, and thinks he's always in the right.....which I actually think is a general man thing, rather than something specific to husband.  Anyway, I very soon announced I was going inside and leaving him to it, seeing as he obviously knew what he was doing! 😒  And before I lost my temper and whacked him round the ear with the rake 😂😜  It was only 6 rolls after all, if it had been a lot then obviously I would have stayed to help him.  Sometimes it's better just to withdraw, rather than getting into an argument that neither of us is going to win.  Anyway, it's done now.  I put canes all around it when he'd finished, with string tied around, to keep Betty off until it's established - we don't want a heavy-footed heffalump with a fascination for digging trampling all over it before it roots and beds itself in 😁

Here it is:-

Betty's own lawn.....she was very interested in it and kept sticking her head in between the string to have a sniff at it, I'm sure she'll love it when she's allowed on.

The really good news of the day - my sis video called me to say she's booked her coach tickets for a week's stay with us, in 3 weeks time.  Wonderful!!  Her friend hasn't been able to sort herself out and book any time off, so sis is coming on her own, her friend said she's hoping to book some holiday and come down with sis for a long weekend later in the year, which will also be lovely.  I don't know who was more excited, sister or me.  It's exactly a year this week since they last came to stay.  I did of course see them both when I went up for niece's wedding in March.

It was a gloriously warm and sunny day yesterday and more of the same is forecast for today.  We're off to the boot sale again this afternoon.


Just looked at FB, it's full of photos people have taken all over the UK, including down here, of the Northern Lights last night.....beautiful, and we missed it as we were both fast asleep!  😭


  1. Oh, Betty's going to love her little lawn! I can just imagine her rolling around on it.
    What a lovely visit to look forward to. You'll be like a couple of teenagers, giggling and chatting, I expect. It'll be wonderful for you all. xx

    1. Just seen your edit. I missed them, although it may be too bright here anyway. One day...

  2. Son woke me up with a picture of his deep pinky purple sky. Nothing here:(

  3. I had a bad night and was wide awake - but I still missed them as I didn't know they were happening. I am so cross with myself

    Betty's lawn looks great! xx.

  4. We kept checking for the Northern Lights and still did not see them. I see so many photos of the lights on FB as well.

    The grass looks perfect.

    God bless.

  5. Betty's lawn is just perfect ... and it makes me miss having grass even more. When we move I definitely want some grass ... although I guess we won't have any dogs by then so it will be 'Sue's Lawn' ... but I'll share and let Alan mow it. :-)


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