
Monday 6 May 2024


 The Watchet street fair was all artisan makers and food stalls.....despite spitting with rain, it was quite busy.  Lovely things on the stalls, but we didn't buy anything.  Artisan makers put quite high prices on their goods - I fully understand that, they're quality goods made with love, skill and time....sadly though the prices of a lot of things are higher than we can afford.  It was nice looking though, and Watchet is a lovely little harbour town.  My washing had to go on the airer in the car port, as it kept raining on and off most of the day, it was still damp late in the afternoon though.  We've had a few odd days of sunshine recently, but it's so inconsistent - we're still having more dreary days with rain than good sunny days.

This morning we're off to the train station to see some steam trains, and then popping to the local garden centre for some more veg plants - both of our courgettes and mini cucumbers (2 of each) have rotted and died.  Must get some radish seeds as well, and 2 herb plants - chives and mint.

Husband was having a really clumsy day yesterday - more so than usual.  I often think if I had a £ for every time he drops something, knocks something over, falls against something or gives himself a minor injury, I'd be a millionaire in no time πŸ˜‚.  He started off by dropping some cutlery on the floor when he was washing up - he said it slipped out of his hand.  Of course it was an almighty crash, scaring Betty into bolting out of the room again - it's no wonder she's very jumpy at noises.  Then he knocked over the coffee canister, spilling coffee granules all over the worktop and floor.  Next he spilt his coffee on the lounge carpet.  Oh, he also accidentally shut his fingers in the door of one of the kitchen cabinets, and gave the bathroom sliding door such a violent tug it slammed into the frame with a loud bang, scaring the dog once again.  Luckily, I'm so used to all these things happening that nothing really fazes me anymore.  Funnily enough, my sister is also very clumsy (due to her Multiple Sclerosis) and is always dropping things if she does come down here to stay for a week, I'll have no intact crockery or glassware left by the end of the week, between the pair of them they'll be smashing it all πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜’.  Perhaps I ought to give both of them plastic utensils and crockery!! 😁

With this morning's outing to see the steam trains, we will have been out every day this Bank Hol weekend.  Which is highly unusual, we don't normally go out much over the bank hols, we just felt like getting out and about for a change.  


  1. Plastic crockery - that did make me laugh! It was lovely and warm yesterday, and guess what today is like? Yep, damp and overcast, again. Just a few days in a row of sun would be nice, wouldn't it? Enjoy the steam trains. Do you get to ride in one? Hope you get the plants and seeds you want, too. Then the nice weather to be able to plant them would be good! xx

  2. Had to giggle over the plastic crockery.... It would save your dishes and such though.

    We had an old steam train come through here last week. It was very interesting to see.

    God bless.

  3. I agree about artisan fairs. I try to get just one little thing, if I can, but they are expensive and, like you, I understand why. xx

  4. It's a good job you can laugh about your hubby's and sister's clumsiness, you could be completely crockery free after her visit ... but it would be worth it. :-)

  5. They would do very well living in Greece!


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