
Wednesday 29 May 2024

Jobs done already

 The painters didn't come yesterday, the forecast was for heavy rain showers and obviously they can't paint exterior walls in the rain.  However, as it turned out we only had a few very light showers.  Sunny spells interspersed with a bit of cloud today and no rain in the forecast, so they've arrived.  They're starting on another bungalow first, there are 11 here all told, I hope they'll get round to ours before the end of the week.

We've already been out in the garden this morning, clearing the side bed of all the spent bluebells - now there's space and we can see just what's coming up in that bed.  The bluebells were so tightly packed, they've obviously not been thinned out for a few years and were smothering everything else in that bed - assorted roses and shrubs.  As I mentioned, there's a huge white flowered hebe (it still had the odd few flowers on it last November when we came to view the property) in the middle of the bed, it's grown really massive so I'll have to trim it back.  The 3 or 4 shrub roses and other, as yet unidentified, things are quite spindly and weak stemmed, clearly not been pruned in years and smothered by the bluebells, so a lot of work to do there.  They're mostly so weak that I doubt they'll flower very well, if at all, this year so I may just cut them right back now and accept the fact that they might not flower this year, but should be blooming next year.

I've emptied out 2 drawers in my bedroom, condensing the things into other drawers, so husband can put his clothes in there for next week, as he'll be sleeping in my room.  Not sure what Betty will think of that!!  Or me, come to that! ๐Ÿ˜‚  Still, Betty's got her own bed on the floor in my room (not that she actually sleeps in it much) and I have a recliner chair I can sleep in, if husband's too fidgety - which he is, one of the reasons why we sleep separately.

The weather for next week looks fantastic, mostly warm and sunny, I'm so pleased sis will have a good weather week, it's very restricting when it's chucking it down continually.  I'm going to make some cake and cheese scones this afternoon, to freeze for next week.  I've already made and frozen a few dinners, and the table is booked for our Sunday carvery, so I'm all set really.  Just shopping for fresh stuff on Saturday morning, the bed linen to change in husband's room, hoovering and making sure all his untidy mess is put away - honestly, his bedroom is a bit like a teenage boy's....still, it's his room, if he wants to live in a mess that's up to him.  Mine is quite minimalist, tidy and an oasis of calm!


  1. I hope the painters get your bungalow finished before your sister arrives. I know she won't mind, but you could do without the hassle! Sounds like you've got everything under control to make her visit run smoothly. I do hope the weather starts to turn now. I think we've all had our fill of cold and wet. xx

  2. Can you guys sleep in his room while sis is there? Or you and sis can sleep in your bed and giggle all night. :)

  3. How nice to have taken over a garden you can work with rather than starting from scratch.
    My fingers are very crossed for warmth and sunshine. We've had enough of the other. xx


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