
Sunday 5 May 2024

Gadding about

 The car boot sale was really busy yesterday - we knew it was bound to be, as it was a lovely sunny day and Bank Holiday weekend, of course.  I was hoping for some plant sellers, but there was only one and she didn't have anything I really wanted.  There were also lots of stalls selling toys, which obviously I'm not interested in, and dealers selling cheap tat or costume jewellery.  So we didn't spend much at all - husband bought nothing, I just got a pair of cushions, really nice good quality tapestry ones, I'd been wanting some for the recliner armchair in my bedroom.  They cost me £6 for the two, I was happy about that.

This morning we're off to Watchet, they've got a street fair on, it's cloudy at the moment and showers are forecast later....hopefully they'll hold off whilst we're there.  My back is killing me today, really stiff and painful, I'm hoping a gentle level stroll around the stalls on the esplanade will help.

Normal roast dinner today, some chicken thighs for husband, my homemade nut loaf for me, and all the usual veggies.  Betty will have some of the veggies with her chicken, and a tiny bit of gravy.

Had another chat with my sis yesterday, she's determined to come down in June, with or without her friend.  Can't wait.  If by herself, she'll get the coach to Taunton and we'll pick her up from there.  It takes a lot of organising for sis to go away, she's carer for her husband who is very disabled - she doesn't have carers in, she's always been determined to do it herself.  He can get in the kitchen and microwave food for himself, and just about manages showering (they have a wet room, like us).  Sis arranges for their adult son and daughter, and friends, to pop in, so he has visitors every day.  And he has a Careline alarm, like us.

There's a high over us for the next several days, so looks like the weather will be pretty good.  Days spent in the garden then, and washing dried on the line - great!

Don't know what we'll do tomorrow, there is another boot sale on but it's at the same venue as yesterday's, so most likely the same vendors.  We might go to watch the trains (never thought when I was younger that I'd ever see myself doing that!! ๐Ÿ˜‚), being Bank Hol weekend there are loads of steam train journeys on the local West Somerset railway.


  1. I haven't been to a car boot sale for years. I went off them when all the sellers seemed to be traders, selling tat, rather than "real" car booters. It's promising to be sunny today, so fingers crossed, I can get a bit done in the garden. We've both had this awful coughing bug, which really knocks me for six. I even had a doze on the bed the other afternoon. Not like me at all. I just hope I can summon up some energy later!
    It will be lovely to see your sister. It must take some organising, but if she's anything like you... xx

  2. I'm so pleased that your sister is determined to visit you; it will be great to spend time together and a welcome break from her caring duties for her. Hopefully, in June the weather will be kind enough to get out and about as well as enjoying your garden, which will be beautiful by then.

  3. I don't think I have ever been to a car boot sale - they used to be quite the thing round here but I never see ads for any nowadays - maybe I'm not looking in the right place. :-)
    How lovely that you will be spending some time with your sister. xx

  4. I hope your visit to the car boot sale went well and the rain held off.

    God bless.


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