
Sunday 19 May 2024

Enough for this year

 Re the table be fair, the pattern on the Fablon does mostly hide the creases, which now are only small ones anyway, I managed to get out the bigger ones.  But I suppose it's like crochet or knitting - if you make a mistake, even a small one that isn't visible to others (unless you point it out) - whether others notice it or not, we ourselves know it's there.  Which is an irritant!  Hey ho, it is what it's fine really, I'm not going to stress about it.

Thank you for the positive comments about my sign - it's nothing fancy but I like it.

The plant sale in the church hall was a dead loss - it was absolutely heaving with people, no room to move or any way of getting to the tables to see the plants because of the crowds.  And there were a couple of people with pushchairs, a few with those pushalong walking aids, 2 or 3 with big shopping trolleys, which made it even more difficult, people were getting frustrated.  The church has quite a wide outdoor space in front, there were a couple of stalls out there but they could and should have had several more, leaving more space in the (quite small) church hall.  But even the stalls outside were badly placed - both right up against the path, which then created a bottleneck of people trying to get past the crowds in front of the stalls, to go inside the hall.  There was 6 or 8 feet of grass behind the stalls, so they could have been further back, to lessen the bottleneck.  Very badly organised all round.  I didn't buy any plants, because I couldn't get near enough to actually see them!

We didn't go to the boot sale, after the crowds at the plant sale I didn't fancy any more scrums.  We stayed home and did a few small jobs in the garden, then sat out there reading - well, I read my book, husband dozed.  It was so nice and peaceful, other than a couple of lawn mowings in the distance.  What makes it even nicer living here is that from our garden we can hear the steam trains whistling.  We came indoors because the sky was coming over cloudy by late afternoon, and we did have a short but heavy no watering of plants or lawn needed.

Off to the caravan today, I've made a pasta and feta salad to take with us for lunch.  We'll call into The Range on the way, to get some charcoal for the firepit - I've ordered a really nice one, it's being delivered on Thursday.  Marlene of Poppy Patchwork blog has bought a metal bowl firepit which she's made into a water feature - it looks fantastic Marlene and I might well steal that idea for next year, thank you!  We're not going to do too much more to the garden this year, we've done what we wanted to in the way of vegetable beds, a couple of flower beds, some privacy screening with climbing plants, and a few feature plants in the largest gravel bed, to break up the sea of concrete and gravel.  Oh, and Betty's lawn of course.  I have plans to extend the flower bed right along the back fence next year, get rid of some more of the gravel, get a water feature sorted, and possibly get some better garden furniture.  For this summer, though, we'll just enjoy what we've done so far.  I'm happy with the garden work thus far, the plants and veggies are all beginning to grow well....some of the flowering plants are already blooming and looking pretty, and we'll soon be having our first radishes, followed by young carrots.


  1. What a shame about the plant sale. I hate crowds, so I'd have left, too. I remember dear old Geoff Hamilton saying, don't forget to enjoy your garden. There's always something to do in a garden, but sometimes you need to sit back, relax and enjoy what you've achieved. Have a lovely caravan day. Don't forget to pinch yourself - yes it IS your life, not a dream! xx

  2. We do love our water feature, and much cheaper than the ones on show everywhere, you have planed and worked your garden to be your perfect space. A garden is never finished, but that should not stop you enjoying your space.

  3. Sorry about the plant sale being such a crush. I love the water feature in Marlene's blog as well.

    God bless.


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