
Monday 13 May 2024

My sister

 We got most of the household stuff we needed in Bridgwater yesterday, and in Aldi I stocked up on my frothy coffees for the month, plus long life oat milk for my sister.  As for clothes, all I bought was one t-shirt and a pair of capri leggings, husband got some slider sandals.  And I bought (yet another) plant - a purply-pink Canna lily.  I think I'm done buying plants now.....but never say never 😂  It's already potted up and in place.

I've been thinking about and planning meals and trips out for the week that sister is here.  Sis says she likes vegetarian long as it comes with a side of meat 😁, she's a committed carnivore, like husband - that's fine, I can cook meat dishes for them and something fishy or veggie for me.  She says she doesn't want to go out somewhere every day, she'll be happy to sit in the garden and chat on sunny days.  We'll go to Dunster village one day (she'll love it there, she's never been), look round the village and then stroll up to the Watermill cafe for lunch or a cream tea in the garden.  We'll go to the garden centre one day too, to look around (I'll try not to buy anymore plants!!) and have lunch or another cream tea in their cafe.  We'll have fish and chips on the sea front one the car facing the sea if the weather's not great.  She said she'd like to visit Watchet again, she likes it there, as do we.

My sister and I get on like a house on fire (what a weird expression!), although we didn't when we both still lived at home as teenagers....I'm 4 years older than her and I used to get fed up with her 'borrowing' all my stuff without asking, and her general untidiness - we shared a bedroom and her half looked like a bomb had dropped on it, whereas my side was quite minimalist and tidy, even then.  She's not as untidy nowadays, but does still have quite a lot of what I'd call 'clutter' - she likes ornaments, antique style mirrors and clocks, and general knick-knacks, but I'm still quite minimalist when it comes to house decor.  We do both have the exact same sense of humour, we each know when the other is quietly laughing at something (or even someone!), we just give each other a 'look' and don't even have to say anything.  I've said before, sister is quite glamorous, tall and well dressed/coordinated, with perfect hair and makeup.  Whereas I'm not!  Sis wouldn't dream of going out without all her 'slap' on....I, on the other hand, haven't worn makeup for years, not since I gave up work, I was expected to wear it when I was a secretary, but always hated the feel of all that stuff on my face.

Sister and I do have a lot of things in common though, besides our sense of humour - we like the same sorts of foods (other than meat!), both love gardening, especially flowers, both love Strictly.  And we're both carers for husbands whose behaviour can be challenging at times.  I have 2 brothers, cousins, best friends I've known for years and years.....but my sister is the one person on this earth who 'gets' me entirely, just as I totally understand her.  And that means we can talk about anything, never run out of things to say, but can happily sit in companionable silence too.  We're going to have a lovely time.


  1. You'll have a great time when your sister comes to stay. Your comment about your shared bedroom when you were younger made me laugh. It could have been about me and my sister, except I was the untidy one! I'm tidier now, but no-one could call me minimalist.😂 xx

  2. Oh, you're going to have such a wonderful time. Vegetarian with a side of meat! Love it!

  3. It sounds like you've planned for the visit perfectly, and time spent in the garden catching up on sisterly news will be wonderful for you both. She must be ready for a short break from her carer duties at home and it's lovely that you can provide that for her.

  4. I used to borrow my elder sister's stuff without asking, I'm ashamed to say! 😉

  5. Hope you have a wonderful time visiting with your sister!
    Happy Week!

  6. How lovely to have such a close relationship with your sister.

  7. You've created a lovely space so staying home some days sounds perfect to me... I think just staying home is vastly underrated!

  8. That was a most successful shopping trip and the forthcoming visit sounds fantastic. Have an amazing time. xx


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