
Sunday 12 May 2024

Shopping for summer clothes and household goods

 Yesterday was hot, too hot to be walking around the boot sale really, I was feeling the heat and had to go and have a lie down in my bedroom recliner chair with a cold drink when we got back.  The bungalow remains fairly cool inside even during the warm sunny days we've had, thankfully - well, it has so far anyway, so after half an hour of cooling down I was fine.  I bought 2 cushions for the garden chairs, I wanted waterproof ones really but couldn't find any at the boot sale, however, I did like these:-

Nice colour and a good size.  I'll just have to bring them indoors every evening, which is no hardship.  It's cooler from today, with showers forecast tomorrow and then a few during the coming week - which is fine as it means we don't have to water the garden so much.  

We're off to Bridgwater today for some shopping, we need to go to Matalan, B&M and Aldi.  Minehead has none of those and is no good for ordinary household shopping, or clothes/shoes, it's first and foremost a tourist town, having the biggest Butlins in the country and most of the shops cater exclusively to the tourist trade.  We're fortunate to have 3 supermarkets, a GP surgery, vet, library, garden centre within a very short drive, whereas before they were a fair distance away, so I'm not complaining.  We wait until we need several things before we go to Bridgwater, every month or so, and Sunday is the best day as it's not so busy - Bridgwater traffic is practically gridlocked during the week.

Every morning for the past week or so, I've gone into the garden in my dressing gown with Betty for her morning ablutions and I have a wander round with my coffee.  I have a good look at all the plants, it's nice to notice new leaves and growth, and pull up the odd stray weed here and there.  The neighbour at the back of our garden - the one with the trees which overhang our garden - told husband the other day that he's hoping to start cutting them down this autumn, and put up a 5ft fence all along (there's currently a waist-high fence).  I hope he does, the pittosporum which make up most of the treeline have been left unpruned for years by the looks of things and have grown to large tree height, they overhang our garden a lot and shower it with leaves and seeds, they're a blimmin nuisance actually.  We've pruned the lower branches but cannot reach the taller ones - husband's not safe up a ladder nowadays.  We just have to keep sweeping up the leaves for the time being.  

I'm guessing there wasn't a Northern Lights display last night, nobody on FB has said so this morning, unlike yesterday when loads of people were posting pictures.  I did look out the window when I got up around midnight to see what Betty was woofing at - she obviously heard something (I didn't), leapt off my bed and ran into the lounge, barking.  Nothing moving outside so I don't know what it was she heard.  


  1. I am so enjoying following your life settling in to your new house and especially your garden. We have an enclosed back yard, for the dogs, and in the summer it is usually filled with flowering pots. Unfortunately I have been ill for the past two years so haven't had any. However I am feeling much better this year so we went plant shopping yesterday and I think we went slightly overboard. Its going to look lovely in the summer though.
    I remember Minehead very well. We went camping in Porlock and it was a very long overnight drive from Fife in the sixties with us kids and the dog sleeping in the back seat. Very fond memories.

  2. Your garden is coming on a treat. Isn't it nice when you can have a wander around first thing, without being cold? I got up 2 or 3 times last night to see if I could see the Aurora, but no joy. I think there's too many street lights here anyway. Apparently, last night wasn't good for it (something to do with the geo-something dropping) but there's a chance tonight, although it may be cloudy! xx

  3. The cushion looks perfect on the chair for colour and size.

  4. Very pretty cushion on that chair. Glad that you found something you liked.

    God bless.


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