
Saturday 4 May 2024


 We had a pleasant surprise yesterday - one of husband's sisters rang and said she'd like to come down for a visit with her daughter later this month, he's not heard from or seen this sister for over 6 years.  Husband has (or had) 9 siblings, 4 brothers and 5 sisters, the eldest brother and sister both died in recent years, husband is the 3rd eldest - well, now the eldest.  They're not a close family (unlike mine), in fact over the years he's hardly heard from them at all.....however, since we've moved here, he's had phone calls from 4 of them, which is nice.  It is down to husband as well - he almost never rings any of them either.  I think it was their father, a lovely man, who was the glue who kept them all together and since he died, the family all became fractured.  They're an argumentative lot anyway, at any given time there are always 2 or 3 different ones who've fallen out with each other.  I think though, as they get older and some of them pass away (a few of their children have also died), they do seem to be less argumentative - realising how short life can be, I expect.

We're trying to make arrangements for my sister to come down and stay for a week, like she does most years - she doesn't drive, her best friend, who we've known for many years, drives down.  However, her friend is extremely busy at work and doesn't know when she'll be able to get a week off, so it's all up in the air right now.  Sister has said she'll probably come down by coach on her own (she's done it before) if her friend cannot get the time off - either way it'll be lovely to see sis on her own, or sis and friend.  The coach journey takes twice as long - literally - as the car journey, but sister doesn't mind that.  The coach is a lot cheaper than the train, and if she went on the train she'd have to change trains twice, and drag her luggage around, which she'd hate.  I can't wait for sis to come down and see our new place.  My sister and I are very close....we're very different in some ways (she's all tall and glamorous, whereas I'm short and homely!), but we have similar tastes otherwise and laugh at the same things.  We're also very supportive of each other.

It's a bright sunshiny morning, lovely to see clear blue sky and sun, hope it lasts.


  1. How lovely to have these visits in the offing. I hope, by then, the weather has settled down and you can sit in the garden, or show them the area without getting soaked! I don't mind coach travel, but my husband gets travel sick, so is reluctant to try. Memories of throwing up as a child! Wet again here this morning. What a surprise! xx

    1. I can't quite believe how nice it is here today, K - we're off to a car boot sale, the first one we've managed to get to this year (most have been cancelled because of bad weather). I hope you get some good weather's depressing when it's cold, wet and dreary day after day....xx

  2. I do hope the plans all work out. It will be so nice to have family time together. xx

  3. My sister's are my closest friends. I would not have gotten through the last year with my mind in tact without them. I'm happy you'll have the visitors.

  4. How wonderful to have family come to visit. We don't see our families enough I figure and I am actually too lazy to call them all the time. We do keep in touch via Facebook though.

    God bless.


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