
Friday 3 May 2024

Not normal 'husbandly' stuff!

 Husband went to his gym class yesterday, he enjoyed it and it gave me a break of an hour or two, allowing me to breathe and sort of regroup.  So I'm absolutely fine again now.  

Jane - you're right, the way husband is, is not just normal 'husbandly' (I like that word!) stuff - as you yourself know with your own situation.  He's never been the most co-ordinated, clear-thinking and logical bloke - he's always been a bit clumsy, accident-prone, muddled etc etc, a result of his dyslexia and probably dyspraxia.  But he has got worse, quite a lot worse, over the past few years as a result of his heart failure and cognitive impairment.  We were told when he got his cog.imp. diagnosis that it's not a given that he will go on to suffer with a form of dementia, but people with cog.imp. are statistically more likely to develop some kind of dementia.  And yes it can be very emotional for me at times, as he's now quite different to the man I married nearly 41 years ago.

Donna, I'm not overly worried about his clumsiness and unsteadiness, both are normal for him now, due to his heart not efficiently pumping enough oxygenated blood around his body, and the cocktail of meds he now takes, some of which do lower his BP (his BP has never been high anyway).  He does have regular blood and BP tests (he's just had another this week) and both our old and new GP surgeries are very good at keeping an eye on him.

It chucked it down with rain again yesterday morning, but eased off in the afternoon.  The garden was too wet to do anything out there, but it's supposed to be better - drier - over the next few days, it's getting significantly warmer too.  So there's hope yet for finishing off our garden jobs very soon!

I've woken up this morning with a feeling of 'fullness', like I've got a cotton wool ball stuck in my right ear (wax probably), so am even deafer than usual.  Better buy some eardrops.  GPs don't seem to do ear wax removal anymore - well, ours don't.  And it costs £50 plus to have it done privately.....erm no thanks.


  1. Those little breaks do help, don't they? That's why it would be a shame if your husband stopped going to bowls and shed group. I'm sure it does him as much good as it does you. Colder and overcast here today, so I'm just staying inside with my books and knitting. xx

  2. Thanks Sooze for answering me...The difference between our two countries as pertaining to medical care, is huge. I pray that you can find ways for resting and taking care of you...You deserve some peace in your life. Hope you have a sweet and happy weekend!

  3. I'm glad you got a break. I've always craved time on my own, and have had to explain that I still love everyone but need space and to be alone... it's one of the things on my list for my autism assessment. It makes me feel physically unwell if I don't get it.

  4. So glad that your got a bit of a break. I really need time on my own so I am glad that Harvey has his "man cave" to retreat to when things get a bit strained. Hope the weather improves for the weekend. Not going to happen here really.

    God bless.


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