
Friday 10 May 2024

Some people!!!

 Back to being a lovely day again yesterday, warm sunshine all day, in fact a bit too hot in the afternoon, Betty and I had to keep retreating indoors to cool down.  I ordered the turf for Betty's lawn, we're collecting it this morning - they don't deliver small quantities, understandably.  We have to drive to a village near where we used to live, according to the garden centre (who no longer sell turf, because not all of it got sold each week and so they were having to throw it away, since it obviously doesn't keep) they're the nearest suppliers of turf.  I spoke to a very nice lady on the phone, who said it was no problem to order such a small quantity (4 sq. yds), they sell anything from 1 roll upwards!  She said she had to warn me to have a tarpaulin or plastic sheet in the the turves might be muddy!  Which I thought was hilarious, but she explained that 2 or 3 weeks ago she had a customer ring up to complain that the turves she'd had left a load of mud in her car!  What?!?!  Really?!  The fact that turf is, well, grass grown on SOIL and thus is bound to be muddy, particularly if it's rained the day before they cut it, hadn't registered with the customer.  Honestly, some people!  The lady said that as a result, she now has to make a point of warning people who come to collect (we both laughed ourselves silly over it, at least she's still got a sense of humour.  Although she might not have, after the 500th time of telling people 😉).

So we spent yesterday finishing off the preparation of the ground where the turf is going.  Then we had to go to the garden centre - yet again - for some more compost.....and another plant may have jumped onto the trolley.  Husband grumbled to the same young male cashier about how much I was spending on plants (I don't know why, seeing as the plants money comes out of my savings, not his wallet 😝), the cashier grinned and suggested he took my photo to pin up behind the counter with a note saying I'm barred in future 😂😂.  Husband said they'd go bankrupt! 😂😏

I'm really looking forward to putting the turf down and seeing Betty's little lawn - I'm very easily pleased 😂.  Let's hope Betty is equally pleased!  It'll be another step towards breaking up the sea of concrete and gravel in the garden, it's all coming together so well.  We've both been working hard in the garden - we don't overdo things, it's half an hour or so at a time and then we stop for a rest and a drink.  It's nice having the chairs in the garden too, so we can sit out there - husband in the sun, me in the shade, Betty alternates between sun and shade.  She's very good, she self regulates - does like lying in the sun, but only for 10 mins or so, then she gets up and moves to a shadier spot.  I've got a water bowl outside for her, kept in the shade, I regularly fill it up from the outside tap and Betty drinks it often.  

Apparently, it's going to be even warmer today and tomorrow, so I doubt Betty and I will be outside all afternoon.  At least it's nice and cool inside at the front of the house during the afternoons, when the sun has moved round the back.

We're so lucky we got this place and I love it so much, sometimes I have to pinch myself to make sure it's not just a lovely dream.


  1. That did make me laugh, Sooze. Who'd have thought that rolls of grass could be muddy! Does make you wonder where these people have been all their lives. Maybe they have gardeners, so don't normally sully themselves with such stuff.😂
    Anyway, your garden is coming on a treat, after all the hard work. Soon be time to sit back, relax and admire it all. xx

  2. I’m enjoying hearing and seeing what you’re doing with your garden. It’s so obvious the move has been a great success, I’m happy for you.

  3. Turf with actual mud on it - who'da thunk it! 🙄😆😆 What a blessing that move has turned out to be, I'm so pleased for you.

  4. Your garden sounds just like ours, with me in the shade and Alan in the sun and the dogs alternating between the two. I think I would be absolutely ecstatic with 4 square yards of grass too, I do miss having a lawn.

  5. Complaining about mud, now that made me giggle. Your garden is coming along very nicely.

    God bless.

  6. Sounds as though you're really getting your garden sorted... we lined our car boot too when we bought our turf and it was very muddy!


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