
Friday 31 May 2024

Please don't help!!

 I was getting a bit stressed yesterday, trying to get things done and organised for when sister comes tomorrow, husband is no help at all at times like this, in fact he's more of a hindrance.  But last night I came to my senses and told myself I was being stupid - things don't have to be perfect, sis won't care, she'll just be very happy to be here!  She's desperate to get here actually, she's having a bit of a tough time at the mo, stressed with life stuff and that has caused her to have a flare up of her Multiple Sclerosis symptoms.  The flare up in itself isn't too much of a problem, sis copes with these flare ups very well, she just limps more meaning she has to use 2 sticks and is even more clumsy than usual.  My sister is very determined though (gets that from me!) and has never let her condition stop her from doing whatever she wants to do.  She does need to rest more though, and she'll certainly do that here, I'll make sure of it.

We went shopping this, when we get back I much prefer to put the shopping away myself - my cupboards and freezer drawers are very organised and everything has its place.  I prefer it that way because it makes it easy for me to find things when I know exactly where they are.  Husband, however, puts the shopping literally anywhere there's a space, with no regard for putting like with like or even in the right cupboard....which means I can't find things and have to search for where he's put them (he never remembers, of course).  I do ask him not to put the stuff away but leave it for me - I've asked him numerous times.  He forgets though.  When we got back this morning I had to go to the loo straight away.....I came out to find he'd already emptied a couple of the bags and shoved the stuff anywhere and everywhere 😠 creating problems for me.  He thinks he's helping - he's not.  I often think if I had a pound for every time I have to repeat something to him, I'd be a millionaire in no time.

I asked him to clear up his bedroom, putting away all the clutter he's got everywhere....frankly, I don't really mind where he puts all that, as long as it's out of sight, not cluttering up the floor or the top of his chest of drawers, and isn't just shoved any old how onto his wardrobe shelves meaning that it'll all fall out when the doors are opened!  He did a bit, then abandoned that and went outside to chat to the painters (they're here painting the external walls today, hooray!).  So I finished it off.

The lounge furniture has all been moved to my satisfaction.  Now I just want to reorganise a couple of shelves in the kitchen, get a wash load sorted for tomorrow morning, and then I can sit down and relax.  We're having chicken and chips tonight - well, husband will have chicken, I'll have fish fingers probably - an easy meal that I can just throw in the air fryer.  Tomorrow morning we just have to change the bed linen and shove the vacuum cleaner around and all will be ready for sis.  We're having homemade potato, cheese and chive pasties with salad when we arrive back here after picking sis up off the coach, I expect she'll want an early night, she'll be tired after a 6-hour journey.  The weather looks good for the coming week, how lovely.


  1. Oh, I know that feeling of wanting my husband to help, then regretting it when he does! Deep breaths!
    Your sister won't notice if something's not done, she'll just be pleased to be with you and have a restful time. How great that the weather has finally warmed up, too. You're all going to have a great time. Lots of chatting, laughing and maybe the odd cry. All very cathartic. xx

  2. Enjoy your visit with your sister! Family is the best.

  3. You've worked so hard...don't forget to get some "me" time, just for yourself!

  4. My husband usually manages to cause more work than he saves when he "helps", too! Not his fault, but it still makes it difficult 😆. Have a fab time with your sister!

  5. It has taken me 48 years to get Harvey trained to just bring the groceries in and leave the putting away to me. However I let him make the bed as he is usually the last one out of it, and then when I go to bed I straighten all out.

    God bless.

  6. I'm the same - everything has its own place in my kitchen and it used to drive me bonkers if the cleaners put anything away because it was never in the right place. I learned to leave the kitchen really tidy on Fridays. :-) xx


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