
Friday 11 March 2022

Baking and plans for next week

 We had a couple of bananas going brown, and some wrinkly apples - husband normally eats loads of fruit but hasn't lately, for some reason.  I'm determined not to waste any food, so yesterday I had a baking morning - banana and walnut loaf, and apple & blueberry slump pie - some homemade pastry from the freezer which wasn't enough for a double crust pie, hence the 'slump' - basically an open tart with the sides folded up and over the edge.  Bonus is there's no wasting any pastry and it's easy to make and is supposed to look rustic!  The blueberries were the very last of our home grown ones from last year.  And just to fill up the oven, I also made a batch of cheese scones, they'll be nice for lunches with a slice of cheese and the remaining salad.

I didn't notice my knee pain whilst I was busy in the kitchen (I was wearing the brace) but boy did it let me know all about it in the afternoon.  I hope the x-ray today diagnoses the problem, although I won't get the results for a couple of weeks.

Husband is busy 3 days next week, Tues-Thurs, but so far we have Monday and Friday free.  I'm planning on going to the caravan possibly on Monday, to stock the cupboards, do a clean up and take the creaky metal bed to the big new hospice charity shop.  We're hoping they'll have a suitable divan bed in there to get instead, I'm pretty sure they will, but if not, there's another big furniture charity shop nearby, they have loads of beds in there.  Then it'll be back to the van to install the bed, steam clean it if necessary and leave it for a few days to air.  Then on Friday, depending on the weather, we might go and spend our first night there this year....exciting!


  1. I hope the x-ray brings you a diagnosis. At least then, you'll know whether exercise or rest is the best course. The furniture charity shops do have some good stuff, I hope they have a bed for you. Fingers crossed for next Friday - I know you're itching to spend some time there, without big jobs to be done! xx

  2. The smell in your home must have been divine! I'm doing Slimming World and it would have been torture. Lordy, I dreamt about you and your van last night!!! What the....? Keep talking about it - I find it so interesting and would be my idea of heaven.

    1. Julia, I'm so sorry - both for the baking torture and the dreams!! Although that did make me laugh....!

  3. A 'slump pie' sounds delicious and very easy to put together. I love cooking anything described as 'rustic' the results are so forgiving :-)

  4. Oh, I can relate to the knee pain. I'm replacement bound, likely next fall as I don't want to be in bandages for summer. I like reading about your caravan plans. Your baking sounds so good.

    1. I had a replacement knee 3 years ago - there aren't any bandages, it's all stapled /stitched. Brilliant. I dreaded having them out - and it was absolutely painless!! Go get it done.

  5. Hopefully you will get a diagnosis soon so that you know to exercise or rest the knee. I have just had a baking session too, love anything that is supposed to look rustic.

  6. Keeping my fingers crossed that you get a diagnosis soon.

    The slump pie sounds very interesting.

    God bless.


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