
Friday 4 March 2022

A face to face appointment!

 I rang the surgery first thing yesterday, expecting them to say the GP would call me back (that's been the usual way during the pandemic).  You could have knocked me down with a feather when I was given an actual face to face appointment for 11 am.  The GP doesn't think it's a cartilage or ligament problem, he reckons it's arthritis and is sending me for an x-ray on Friday of next week.  He thinks the support I'm using is a good idea as it helps my knee to stop giving way, but cautioned against having it too tight (and said don't wear it overnight, which I don't anyway).  He's advised painkillers (sigh) and said to alternate between my electric heat pad and a freeze pack.  He said physio may help (I just laughed, seeing as they're months behind with referrals), and possibly a steroid injection if all else fails.  Once I've had the x-ray results and hopefully a firm diagnosis, I might start going to Felicity the osteopath again, to see if she can help.  Anyway, now I know things are in hand, I can try to put it to the back of my mind, grit my teeth and try to ignore the pain.  It's really affecting my sleep though.      

Went shopping, lots of empty shelves again but I got enough (with some substitutions) to keep us going for a couple of weeks.  We're off to the van again today, taking some of the new furniture which will temporarily go in the larger bedroom, now the bed's been dismantled.  We'll be taking apart the old sofa framework today, hopefully doing some painting tomorrow.  According to the weather forecast, there may be some snow on Sunday at the park!  Not forecast to last though.  We won't be going that day.

One other annoying thing (besides the 4-wheeled thing we're not mentioning) is that the problematic family member is being incredibly annoying again.  I can't be doing with that, so have had to block them again.  The trouble is, they're so self absorbed with really ridiculous trivialities that only matter to them, they have absolutely no concept of real problems affecting others.  At least I recognise that my problems, whilst being decidedly irritating, painful or downright inconvenient, are nothing compared to what's going on in the Ukraine.


  1. Regarding your knee pain at night. Last time mine was bad I realised that (as I sleep on my back) the weight of the bedding was pushing onto my foot and transferring strain up to my knee.

    I used a couple of cushions at the bottom of the bed to raise the duvet off my foot and instantly the pain in my knee eased up. Do you remember years ago hospitals would put a cage-thing under the bed covers if you had a broken leg? It was a bit like that. Sorry if I have not explained very well.

    1. This is a really good idea, also it may be worth trying a small pillow or rolled up towel under your knees if you sleep on your back to keep them at a slight bend rather than straight for hours.

  2. How lucky re the GP. DB was given a two week wait for a telephone appointment on the day after we were going away so couldn’t do that one. My sister was referred for an X Ray, allegedly a two week wait, still waiting 5 weeks later. Just a shambles in general. Think some GP’s are turning lazy.

  3. Glad you got to see the GP in person. I think it's a bit of a postcode lottery whether you can get an appointment. Jayne's idea of something to lift the duvet off your legs is worth a try, and try sleeping with a pillow under or between your knees. I suspect you've tried everything, though! You can do without the demands of problematic relatives. You're wise to block them. xx

  4. It's just a lottery whether you get an actual appointment these days isn't it. I really hate the phone consultations after it's been proved now that if I had seen a doctor face to face just after my back got really bad there was a relatively simple procedure I could have had done that would have ended so much of what I am still going through.

    I hope they can sort your knee out for you, or at the very least that you can find some relief from the pain.

    1. That's terrible, Sue - all this pain you've had, which could have been sorted way back last year. I'm so sorry you've had to go through this.

  5. I use the small pillow under the knee trick when my knees seem to bother me. Seems to work for the little pain I have.

    We have some idiots (call them that because they only think of themselves) that can't seem to realize that Ukraine is fighting for freedom and we have always had freedom here.

    God bless.


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