
Saturday 5 March 2022

Getting on really well

 Our surgery has a new system, apparently.  We can now choose whether we want a phone or face to face consultation, and if we ring first thing in the morning we'll be seen that day.  However, we cannot book routine appointments with the GP in advance, all appointments are now on the day.  This seems a bit daft to me - so a routine appointment could have the same attention, i.e. an appointment on that day, as an urgent one?  What happens if someone needs an urgent appointment, but they've rung a bit later in the morning and all appointments are already taken up with possibly non-urgent things?   Oh, I guess they'll have one doctor doing just urgent appointments....I assume.  Masks are still compulsory at the surgery, which is absolutely fine in my opinion.  

Jayne, you explained perfectly, thank you.  I usually sleep on my side, occasionally on my back - I can't lie on my back anymore though, as I can't straighten my left leg, so the weight of the quilt on my foot wouldn't affect me.   It might be worth trying it with a rolled up towel under my knee though, as a couple of you mentioned.  My osteopath puts a small sausage shaped cushion under my knees when I'm on my back on her couch.

Yesterday was a lovely Spring day - mostly sunny and warm.  There were a few more people at the caravan park, including one couple who'd actually stayed overnight, and a pair of new owners.  Husband has now taken out all the relevant parts of the fixed seating, leaving behind the strengthening battens.  Here he is doing the work:-

After we'd taken it all outside and cleared a space in the lounge, we put together the new sofa, to give us an idea of how it and the new recliner (which we're taking over today) will fit in.  With a little bit of juggling, it'll be absolutely fine.  Betty likes the new sofa, as soon as I put her fleece blanket on it she jumped straight up and lay down for a nap.  Sorry, I didn't get a picture!

Today we're going to be doing some painting underneath the windows, fitting an extra bit of battening along the front, then laying the carpet remnant we bought - it matches the lounge carpet we bought last year, and will cover the area below the old sofa which only has lino on it.  Then the sofa and recliner can be put in place, along with a nice little coffee table we're taking from home (it's part of a nest of 3 tables).  It's all come together a lot quicker and easier than we dared hope.

Then it's just a question of giving everything a good clean (amazing how much dust, bits of fluff and sawdust it created).  Next week we'll be sorting out the bedrooms, taking over the bed linen, towels, etc that we brought home, making the beds up and restocking the cupboards with toiletries, tinned and packet foods and dog food.  And then it'll be ready for whenever we want to start staying over 😁

The perennial plants in pots and the garden bank at the back of the van all need pruning and weeding, we'll do that when we stay over.  A couple of photos of the garden:-

Taken on Wednesday when it was quite dull.  Not much to see at present, it'll be lovely in a few weeks, hopefully.


  1. It's all looking really good - well done on all your hard work.

  2. It all looks fantastic and I am so glad you are back in your happy place once more. It will, indeed, look absolutely stunning - it already looks really nice. xx

  3. You've both worked wonders! You'll soon have it all ship shape, the weather will be nicer and you can begin to enjoy your little home-away-from-home. xx

  4. Sounds as if it's all going well and you will soon be ready to stay over.

  5. It's nice when a job is slightly easier than expected isn't it. It should be a real home from home very soon.

  6. It's really a lovely spot and I can see why it's your happy place.

  7. I really think that it looks lovely right now. All that beautiful green.

    God bless.

  8. Hope I helped a bit. I had a period where I didn't sleep more than three hours a night due to chronic pain and I know how debilitating it is.


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