
Friday 18 March 2022

Waste of time/fuel

 Well, husband's trip to the hospital for his prostate/bladder tests was a waste of time and fuel (as if anyone can afford to waste fuel at the mo)....the machine they use wasn't working, so they couldn't do the full tests!  Pity they couldn't have rung and told him before he left....this hospital he's now been transferred to is a 50 minute journey each way.  Unless it only broke down when he got there, I guess.

One of our neighbours round the corner has got Covid, after going out for a curry with a group of her friends last Friday, several of whom have also now tested positive.  We rang her yesterday to find out if she needed anything, she didn't, she said she feels quite rough though.  She's my age, fully vaxxed, but had breast cancer 2 years ago, I hope she doesn't get too ill.  She's the 3rd person we know who's tested positive in the past week or two, we've tested and are negative, thankfully.  I'm glad we're off to the caravan, although we'll no doubt be chatting to other owners, at least it'll be outside in the fresh air (and I won't be hugging any of them!).  It's quite worrying that it's on the increase again, but isn't surprising with the total relaxation of precautions.

The bright sunshine and warmth is bringing out all the house eeeeks....we had another 2 humungous ones in the hallway yesterday, fortunately before husband went out, so he was here to dispose of them.  I wouldn't mind so much if they weren't so massive, why do they all have to be so HUGE?!?!

I might not be posting much over the weekend (depends on signal, which is a bit hit and miss at the caravan), but will be back Monday with photographs!


  1. Have a lovely time at the caravan - the forecast is good x

  2. What a nuisance for him - and, as you say, what a waste of petrol too.

    Thinking of your neighbour - it's not nice and I do hope she won't have any complications.

    Have a wonderful weekend. I look forward to some photos. xx

  3. We are still the only ones wearing masks when out and using hand gel. It’s like it never happened.

  4. After a waste time and fuel you deserve a lovely weekend in the caravan. Enjoy the warm sunshine.

  5. So many people ill this time and suggestions from scientific sources are that the vaccine isn't doing anything against this variant. We are still mask wearing but most people are not. Have a good time at your caravan. x

  6. Those naughty EEEKS, will be partying as soon as you leave the house. The weather is hopefully going to be gorgeous so perfect for a nice few days away

  7. More people we know have got covid in recent weeks, all the time we took to avoid it and now it's everywhere and we have to hope if we get it our jabs are still protecting us.

  8. What a shame about your husband's hospital visit, time and money wasted. My niece and partner caught Covid, at a theatre. She said some were masked but not all. Luckily, neither of them was badly affected, just heavy cold symptoms. He is vulnerable so he was very lucky. The eeks do seem to all appear at once. I don't have a phobia, but don't like them in the house, so scoop them onto my fluffy duster and shake them outside. My late MIL used to place conkers around the house, she said it deterred them. Not sure it worked though! I hope the weather is lovely, dry and warm for you this weekend. Even if it's not, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time. xx

  9. How bloody annoying ... you know me I say it like it is ;-)

    As for the 'eeks', you need to collect lots of conkers in the autumn and have them dotted around the house, at every doorway and on every windowsill, this should hopefully stop the problem next year. Since I started doing this both at our homes and when I was in the van we just don't get spiders, and if we do (very rarely) they are those very delicate house ones. I've not had a whopper for ages.

  10. Same as Dc above - last time I went shopping I was almost the only person wearing a mask in Aldi.

    My neighbour and her husband tested positive this week . . . she says they're both 'tired and snuffly' but so far nothing worse.

  11. I'm not sure we'll be able to really tell where so specifically people get Covid now with so little precautions. I got it in. January and had been no where hardly. Still with multiple people from same event, that's the probable place for your neighbor. Sorry about your wast d trip.

  12. I am sorry to hear of your husband's wasted journey. I hope you both have a lovely weekend at the caravan and continue staying well.

  13. My son( a teacher) said they had 12 staff out with Covid this past week, and they’re all shattered because the rest of the staff have been filling in as noticeable rise here in the US but I’m sure it’s on the way...
    Be careful and enjoy the caravan. Sorry about the wasted trip and petrol!

  14. My husband has also had a few of those wasted trips for tests. It does make you want to scream, couldn't they be bothered to let you know the machines were not working.

    God bless.


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