
Tuesday 29 March 2022

Bit of a boring routine day

 Today I'm doing a big pot of mince - half of it will then be made into lasagnes, the other half I'll add chilli spices and kidney beans to, then freeze all of it.  Well, apart from one portion of chilli for tonight's dinner.  Nigel Slater had a recipe in the Mail paper the other day for banana and choc chip muffins, they sounded nice and there's a couple of bananas going brown (husband seems to have gone off them lately) so I might make those as well.

Husband's got his phone consultation with the prostate surgeon this morning, and the mobile mechanic is coming back this afternoon to have another look at the car.  I'm cleaning the bathroom and hoovering the bedrooms, in between the batch cooking.  No idea what Betty's plans are for the day.....sleeping probably 😂

That's all I have to say today, nothing much happening at the moment.


  1. On balance, I think I'd prefer Betty's day!🐕 Fingers crossed for the consultation and the car. I hope both have good outcomes. Don't overdo things, Sooze! Don't want you doing yourself some (more) damage. xx

  2. Sound's a busy day rather than boring!

  3. That sounds like a very productive day to me. Nothing boring about it at all Sooze... But then I lead such an exciting life :-)

  4. Dogs have such an easy life don't they :-)

    There are currently two lots of snores coming from the living room ... it's a wonder the cat doesn't wake up!!

  5. Sometimes just routine days are good to catch up on oneself.. good for Betty, hope she found a comfy spot!

  6. I rather like those sort of days, and it is all stuff which has to be done at some point. As Cherie says, very productive and you will benefit hugely from having all that lovely cooking in the freezer.

    Hope the consultation went well.

  7. I have bananas that are bread ready and have choclate chips to use up. I guess I'll do that after work.

  8. That sounds like a great plan with the mince - one lot of cooking for three lots of eating. It sounds tasty as well.

  9. Great job cooking ahead. I need to do more of that.

    God bless.


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