
Saturday 9 December 2023

4 more sleeps!

 Well, 4 more nights in bed, don't know how much sleep I'll be getting ๐Ÿ˜‚

We're almost at the finishing line now, I know I've had some panicky spots but actually can't believe how much we've achieved in just 3.5 weeks (is that all it's been?  Feels like a lifetime!).  Joy made a comment yesterday about how few people are able to get sorted before moving day - you're so right, Joy.  Being able to move so much of our stuff over gradually, and get carpets and curtains in place before the move, has been absolutely bloody marvellous, and I know how lucky we are.  Of course it's meant we've had two lots of rent to pay, which was a big dent in our savings, but it's been so worth it.  The thought of having to move absolutely everything in just one day filled me with complete dread, I think I'd have had a nervous breakdown.

Yesterday husband made 2 tip trips and we took the very last donation to the charity shop.  He's still got another couple of tip trips to do, but he's made big inroads into the garage and shed stuff and is doing really well.  Just a pity he left it literally to the last minute.  Well, he's learnt his lesson and knows he won't be hoarding stuff (junk) in the future - I won't let him.

At this rate we'll have nothing left to do Monday and Tuesday!!  I'm sort of joking, I'm sure there'll be a few last minute bits still to deal with, and making sure everything's clean.

This morning we're off to the bungalow again, taking another car load - more tinned and dry food, almost the last of the kitchen stuff (just enough crockery and cutlery left here for the next few days).  Bathroom stuff and most of the cleaning supplies.  A few pictures that got's surprising how many pictures we actually had.  A new mattress bed for Betty to have in my bedroom, and some of her toys, just a few left here.  I think I'm going to give her a few drops of CBD oil on moving day, just to calm her (our vet ok'd it, in case anyone wonders).

Thank you again, lovely readers, for all the supportive comments and emails, they're much appreciated xx


  1. I can't believe how quickly it's all happened, and how well you've managed with it all. You're going to deserve that rest! Now you've got 2 happy places to go to. How lucky is that? xx

  2. I'm so glad he has got his act together and is getting his stuff sorted. Better late than never but - better early than late. Oh, well, as long as it gets done.

    It will be nice if you can ease up a bit next week. Fingers crossed. xx

  3. It'll be here before you know it!

  4. It will be great when you're there and definitely worth all this effort now, only 4 days wow!

  5. The finishing line is definitely in sight now, isn't it! Almost there...

  6. Only 4 days left - how great is that. You'll be well and truly tucked up on your new for Christmas ๐Ÿ‘

  7. And the countdown begins. I am so looking forward to reading about your joy at being settled in your new place.

    God bless.


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