
Sunday 3 December 2023

Lovely day, and feeling energised

 What a lovely night's sleep - think I slept for about 7.5 hours!!

Yesterday morning it was thick freezing fog here - when we got over to the new place it was gloriously bright sunshine streaming in through the big lounge window, it was absolutely lovely, although very cold outside.  We put the heating on and it warmed up the whole place very quickly, the heating seems far more efficient than here.

We had a really good morning - I got husband unpacking the boxes of glassware and cookware tins we'd taken over and putting them away, and then his bag of clothes.  I got out the Christmas tree, set it up in the lounge and dressed it, whilst listening to Christmas songs on the radio - such a nice, calming morning.  Think I'd like a few more baubles for the tree, but it's getting there:-

Terrible photo, sorry about that

Next time we go, we'll take a small side table to stand the tree on.  I also need to get a star or fairy for the top (probably a star, husband's eyebrows would go through the roof at a fairy ๐Ÿ˜‚) - whatever I had last year (I can't remember) wasn't in the Christmas bag so I suspect it got thrown away.  I've got some tinsel to wrap around the base.  

When we got home I quickly packed another box, did some new potatoes to go with a quiche and salad for dinner, and then sat down and did nothing much for the rest of the afternoon and evening.  Watched Strictly, of course, and had another early night.

I'm feeling so much better today, positive and raring to go again.  The BT thing (I'm heartened to see that we're not the only ones to have had troubles with BT) has really annoyed me, I can't believe (well, I can actually) that they're so bloody incompetent - still, years after we had the first problems with them.  And as I mentioned yesterday, they've made yet another cock up in the package details they emailed to me, so that's something else to sort out.  I will be putting in a formal complaint - but not right now.  Right now, I need to let it go for my own sanity, accept the likelihood that we'll be without a landline or internet for however many days it takes them to get their finger out, and just get on with the things I have to do.  

Incidentally, whilst at the new place yesterday, I had a sudden flurry of texts and WhatsApp messages on my phone - the signal had kicked in, albeit briefly.  This is the first time that's happened....the BT guy on the phone yesterday did suggest we could use our mobiles whilst waiting for the landline/internet to be connected, and I let him know that actually we couldn't, as EE signal (our mobile service providers and now part of BT) was non-existent there.  He said he would look into that, not that I believed him.  But perhaps he actually did, and somehow boosted the signal ❓

I'm going to spend today and tomorrow packing more small things.....we're down to odds and ends in the rooms now, we're really clearing the decks.  I'll pack our store cupboard spares of tinned and dry foods to take as well.  I've done an inventory of the remaining freezer stuff and will make a menu plan for the remaining days here (only 10 more days!!) - there'll be almost nothing left in the freezer by the day before we move so I can switch it off, the few remaining freezer bits can go in the insulated cool box in the unheated utility room and we'll eat them up over the first couple of days in the bungalow.  We've got another couple of tip trips to do, and husband is clearing out his garage today.  And then we'll be more or less ready.  I'll have some empty plastic boxes for oddments to be thrown into on moving day, and a bag for laundry.

Thanks so much again for all the lovely messages, you're all so kind.  ๐Ÿค—  


  1. We moved to Fleur a French company that specialises in more rural properties and our broadband speed went up greatly it also has an easily accessed helpline with very helpful staff . The difference in service has been amazing although the helpline is Monday to Saturday only. Hope this might help.

  2. I'm glad the day off has refreshed you and given you a new lease of life. Not long to go now and then you'll be able to wave goodbye to the old and say hello to the new. You sound so happy and relaxed when talking about dressing your Christmas tree. BTW, charity shops are full of Christmas decorations at the moment. One near me has bags of 20 baubles for £1. Just a shame I've got too many already! xx

  3. It's wonderful what a decent night's sleep can do, isn't it. The tree looks lovely - your new home sounds to be really coming together now. Not long before you'll be fully moved in and all the hassle will be behind you. Hang on in there!

  4. Nothing beats a good nights sleep, so pleased to read you are getting sorted, moving day will be so much easier for you.

  5. Moving day is coming round so fast now. You sound very well organised and up to speed with everything.

  6. It sounds like it's all coming together very nicely. You've planned this very well, perhaps you can come and help us with our next move. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. Sounds almost the only thing left to move your body and Betty.

  8. So exciting for you. You will be in your new forever home for Christmas. The best gift ever.

    God bless.

  9. Wow - what a lot of lovely things in one post - maybe BT has got something right for once. Fingers crossed the signal remains good. xx


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