
Thursday 4 July 2019

A weight incentive

Joy, who does SW, has very nearly reached her target weight, having lost just over 6 stones - how amazing is that?  She deserves to be Slimmer of the Year in her group - well, she's certainly Slimmer of the Year anyhow, as far as I'm concerned.  Really well done, Joy, I'm so pleased for you.

I did SW when I was around the time, the target I was given seemed completely unattainable - well, it clearly was, seeing as I have never been that weight since I was in my early teens.  I can't remember the figures clearly (it was a long time ago!), but think I was supposed to lose around 4 stones.  Well, I lost about 3 stones, which got me down to a (UK) size 12-14, and then everybody started telling me I was looking a bit thin(!!).  Incredibly, since I've never been thin in my life, although, having said that, photos of me before the age of 10/11 show I was gawky and seemed to be all legs.  My boyfriend at the time of SW said he would rather I didn't lose any more weight as he said I was too skinny! (must have liked chunky girls 😂).  So of course, wanting to please him, I gave up SW.  And from that time on, started putting weight back on.  (Ironically, that boyfriend and I parted company soon after - my decision - when I met my future husband, who loves me regardless of size).  

I did lose about a stone prior to my wedding - don't we all?!  But happy married life, combined with far too many takeaways, meals out (I didn't really 'do' cooking in those days) and drinking a lot meant that weight went back on, along with quite a bit more.  

Nowadays, of course I would like to lose some weight, I'm not obsessed with getting down to the 'recommended' weight, I can't ever see that happening, but a couple of stones off would be nice.  But I find it SO hard now I'm older, and all these problems and stressful stuff we keep having make it almost impossible for me to stick to any kind of healthy eating regime (I don't do 'diets' anymore) for long - when I'm stressed, it's carbs and comfort food I go for.

However....we have a family wedding to go to in the middle of August.  I've bought a dress - now, anyone who knows me knows I don't do dresses, I haven't even owned one for years and years, nor skirts - I live in jeans, jeggings, cropped jeans and leggings in summer.  Well, the dress is lovely, it's a wrapover style and fits well - it's in a stretchy fabric so is forgiving and will grow/shrink with me.  But it would look nicer and, more importantly, I will feel better in it, bearing in mind I'm going to feel awkward wearing a dress anyway, if I lost a bit of weight.  Well, to be more specific, if my fat wobbly tummy was, well, less fat and wobbly.  So that's an incentive to try harder, I guess!

Aunt is still hanging in there and, fingers firmly crossed, husband is actually feeling quite a bit better.  His urgent need for the loo is declining, he only got out of bed for a wee 4 times last night (as opposed to the 8 or 10 times he's been going up till now) and, joy of joys, he says it's not quite so painful.  His wee looks much clearer now too (he has to take another sample in to the GP tomorrow morning).  If he's still feeling better by the weekend, and if aunt is still hanging on, we're thinking about trying to go see her, it's about 1.5 hours drive.  We won't make the decision until Saturday or Sunday morning, though.


  1. I know that if I could only just lose a couple of stone it would benefit my hip but as food is my main comfort in times of stress I find it very difficult. I have in the past been all sizes but always come back to the size I am now. LARGE, lol

  2. Hope you get to see your aunt and glad husband bit better.

  3. Hope you are turning a corner - perhaps once things have settled down a bit you will have more time and motivation to focus on the diet. With eating it is often that certain things become a habit. Our downfall is that when we go to the cottage we are in the garden all day and when it is time for a cuppa I usually need a biscuit with it to keep me going. Biscuits are easy to reach for as they are wrapped - stopping to peel fruit would take longer and doesn't really go with a cup of tea. Each visit I say we really must cut down on the biscuits then we get busy and I ignore my own advice! We don't often eat biscuits at home either it has just become a habit at the cottage!

  4. Luck in whatever you decide to do! Yes, he is better...standing ovation from here.


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