
Wednesday 3 July 2019

Hanging on, and more frustration for husband

Thank you for comments.  Aunt is still holding on, much to the doctor's surprise (she's always been stubborn!).  Cousin stayed with her until late last night, when the staff said she may as well go home and try to get some sleep and they would call her if necessary.  No call, so cousin went back in at 7 am, she's still there now.  Doctors say aunt is no better, but no worse either.  I hope for all their sakes it doesn't drag on for ages....nothing worse I think.

Husband got his 'urgent' urology appointment this morning - 20 September!  As we distinctly heard the GP ask for an 'urgent - within 2 weeks' referral when he was dictating the letter in front of us on Monday, the hospital have clearly got their wires crossed.  This of course meant husband had to make several phone calls back and forth to the GP and hospital, they've just rung to say he will get a phone call within the next day or 2 with an urgent appointment.  Could have cried this morning, does nothing go right first time?

As it's been another lovely warm day, we shampooed the 2 large rugs in the living room and put them outside to dry, which they did in no time.  I've also sorted out another chest of drawers in our bedroom (I did one yesterday, one more to go tomorrow).  I emptied it, weeded out all the clothes I haven't worn for ages to go to a charity shop, then put the remaining stuff back in, the drawers are half empty now (room for more clothes haha.  Erm, no, that would defeat the object).  Choosing just one thing at a time, rather than a whole room, makes the job so much more manageable.  Even if it means it'll take a while before everything is decluttered, it's not nearly so daunting and tons easier.  Husband's worn out now, he's dozing in the recliner armchair again.


  1. Thank goodness theyr esponded to your phone calls and (fingers crossed) there will now be a better response.
    I agree - a bit at a time is so much better.

  2. I think the NHS now stands for Nothing Happening Soon! I was told on Friday that my blood envelope would be posted out to me so I can get my bloods done before my holiday ready for the consultants appointment when we return. It didn't arrive Saturday or Monday or Tuesday but at lunchtime today - far too late to be trecking to Leeds. So this means we either have to go on the way to Scotland tomorrow and go along M62 east and up the A1 and back across to M6 rather than our usual route along M62 west and then straight up the M6 - otherwise we have to delay our holiday by another day to go to Leeds. I rang about the blood envelope over a month ago - the reason being that the blood envelope they give me before was for an appointment last October - so had bloods taken ready in September. However the consultant who is really nice is more than 6 months behind so my October appointment became my June appointment which I had to move to July. Good job I am not at deaths door and it is just a yearly check now!
    Good luck with getting an emergency appointment - hope hubby can hang in there until he gets to see someone.

  3. Could your husband complain everyday for a specialist or does that not work where you live.

  4. Still in my thoughts and good wishes. Sounds like my productive unplanned projects , cleaning out. Sure helps keep the mind off of other things though. Glad husband can sleep.


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