
Friday 19 July 2019

yes that's it

Gemma's Person, you hit the nail on the head - complete exhaustion, physically and mentally.  I've done nothing but cry the last few days.


  1. Tears of relief too that finally the authorities are taking notice and do something. I do hope you are getting some help for you too

    1. I did say this as well yesterday. It has to be a relief to finally have someone to recognize what is needed for all your problems. It has to be a relief

  2. I've just caught up with all your recent posts, Sooze, and it's not at all surprising you feel totally exhausted! This year has just not let up for you at all, has it!
    I'm glad your mum and brother now have the help they need. Hopefully your hubby will get a cancellation and not have to wait until September.
    And you, lovely lady, are doing the right thing to concentrate on yourself and cut out any unnecessary extra stresses. It's an over used phrase, but be kind to yourself, enjoy your days out with Betty & Hubby, perhaps some more card making will relax you? Sending a big hug xx

  3. Utter weariness. My love to you.

  4. Love and hugs to you my dear woman.

  5. Oh Sooze....I am so very sorry that life is so awful for you just now.
    Sending love and hugs-x-

  6. Oh, love! I took a blog-reading break and came back to all this upset that you are dealing with, I do feel for you as you know.

    You were right to refuse to have people staying, it's no fun when you aren't feeling fully fit. I sorry, too, about your Mum and Brother and about the cake.

    Lots of love coming at you, my love. XOXO

  7. Can't do anything to help, so just sending a hug x


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