
Saturday 13 July 2019


I bloody hate families!  At least you can choose your friends!


  1. At least part of mine are worth forgetting about, I quit wasting my time on even hating them , no changing them and they are in the wrong and lied to us. So, you have my sympathy.
    I guess that is why we have friends ,so we can choose people we like to hang around with, similar interests.
    I don't know if you had these over were you are , but when we were kids we had a blow up clown doll that was weighted at the bottom so when you punched it , it would stand back up and you could punch it again.Sounds like just the item for frustration punch . I am not a violent person , I usually just cry in frustration because I know something is just not right.
    Hugs and more power to you !!

  2. The only time I get frustrated with mine is when I am trying to organise them for the Xmas get together or the like and trying to get one member to see the others point of view - but we all seem to muddle along. Sorry that there is discord in yours - you sound quite stressed - hope it will blow over you could do without it. x

  3. Indeed, friends are all we need most of the time.

    More hugs for you my lovely! XOXO


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