
Sunday 21 July 2019

Bad -v- good

1.  April 2018 - husband diagnosed with angina, necessitating 2 stents fitted, quickly followed by:-
2.  July 2018 - heart failure diagnosis for husband
3.  October 2018 - car broke down - twice, costing £1000+ in repairs
4.  November 2018 to present and ongoing - Mum had several hospital stays with numerous problems - 2 falls, repeated UTIs and related severe dehydration/confusion, erratic heartbeat with atrial fibrillation and heart failure diagnosis, red blood cells crashed necessitating massive iron injection and iron tabs
5.  Feb? 2019 - washing machine broke down twice, repairs costing over £100
6.  March 2019 - I had incredibly painful mouth abscess necessitating hospital treatment and tooth out
7.  April 2019 - Lovely neighbour died
8.  April 2019 and ongoing - husband started having repeated UTIs, found to have prostate grossly enlarged to twice normal size, ongoing antibiotic treatment, various hospital tests and scans done, some of which still awaiting results, possible bladder and/or prostate cancer queries
9.  April 2019 - husband told he's borderline diabetic
10.  May/June 2019 - work on empty house next door - completely gutted, rewired, plumbing, new roof, new kitchen/bathroom, work went on for 2 full months and noise levels brought me to the brink of despair
11. July 2019 - my beloved aunt died aged 71
12. July 2019 - one week later husband's eldest brother died aged 69
13. July 2019 - husband told he has first stage diabetic eye damage

13 is certainly unlucky for us!!

Have there been any good things?

1.  We got rid of the money pit car from hell and acquired an old but very lovely new to us car that we're very happy with, other than it being a bit more expensive to run
2.  I discovered a hitherto unknown talent for and huge enjoyment in making cards and tissue paper flowers....something easy but absorbing to keep my mind occupied rather than dwelling on thoughts of doing myself in (yes i have thought about it in bad times but I'd never do it).

Somebody more optimistic than me said to me this morning that it will come right again....oh really?!  Somehow i just can't believe it.


  1. At least you have a house, live in a nice area, you have each other, enough money to get by with, there is always somebody worse of than you. Life will be better in a years time Sue.

  2. It's been a rough old year and a half, that's for sure. I guess we just have to believe that the tide will turn at some point and the good will start outweighing the bad again. Much love to you.

  3. I did a great long comment and it disappeared. The trouble is life does not just right itself, you either have to find another way of looking at things or be proactive. Have you thought of keeping a gratitude journal, write in it at the end of each day, or take photos of the lovely place you live and of your dog, I do understand that if you are financially constrained it is difficult and finding positives hard but for your own peace of mind and mental health you really do need to get rid of the stress. It is horrid when life is out of our control, is there a counsellor at your GP surgery or someone you can talk too. I really hope life does take a turn for the better for both of you.

  4. I am making a list and will comment tomorrow on all the good things in your life. Mainly that someone is finally acknowledging getting help for your mom and brother and husband. Things will have to change on all these fronts now that they are all offically getting looked at. ;) And Betty hugs and snuggles.


Thank you for comments, however please note that rude ones won't be published. Nor will anonymous ones now.