
Saturday 20 July 2019

Mindless distraction

I need simple mindless things to keep me occupied right now.  Whilst idly watching a few crafting youtube videos the other day, i saw someone making tissue paper flowers.  Well, i had some tissue paper - had it for years actually, can't even remember why i got it originally - so had a practise with it.  Well how about that, discovered another talent i didn't even know i had:-

Bunch of flowers made for my mum - bright colours so she should be able to see them, even with her very limited sight, incredibly cheap to make....cost me £1 for an extra pack of tissue paper (80 sheets of mixed colours) and £1 for pipe cleaners for the stems, both from The Works.  And cheap to post too, packing them in a lightweight cardboard shoe box i already had, postage cost £3, so a fiver in total.  A fraction of the cost of sending real flowers by post, and a damn sight longer lasting.  And some fairly mindless, easy but quite fun stuff to take my mind off things for a couple of days.  

Husband had his diabetic retinopathy eye test result letter this morning.  Now, I've been diabetic for 8 years, had my annual eye test and have had no problems whatsoever.  Husband's been diabetic for 5 minutes...and borderline at that.  Yet his eye test shows that he has background retinopathy - first stage diabetic damage to his eyes.  Not serious or requiring treatment yet, but could progress in the future if his diabetes isn't kept under control.  How odd that he should have it, yet I haven't.  So something else to add to his ever-growing list of health problems.  

His latest wee sample still shows traces of blood and infection, despite another course of antibiotics (which he finished a few days ago).  He's fairly well at the moment, but that could change day by day.  


  1. I love tissue flowers, haven't made any for years. I particularly like the yellow centered pink one, reminds me of a peony. Well done.

  2. The tissue paper flowers are lovely! What a nice gift to receive in the post.

  3. Well done with the flowers they look lovely. Sad to hear him outdoors is adding to his list.

  4. Colorful flowers , nice picker upper.

  5. Your flowers are nice your Mum will love them.

    Hazel c uk

  6. I love your flowers. Your mum will love them too.

  7. They are beautiful and made with love. What better gift could anyone wish for?\xx

  8. Lovely flowers, your Mum will love them.
    I have the cold lurgy here complete with cough. As you say, just another thing to add to the list.

  9. A lovely splash of colour, I'm sure your Mum will love and cherish her bouquet.

    Sorry about your husband's diabetes and problems with the eyes, it's just one thing after another for you both at the moment. Fingers crossed the UTI is keeping quiet!

  10. Oh, look at you go! Those are fabulous, what a clever girl you are.


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