
Friday 12 July 2019

All sorts

Thanks everyone for the lovely supportive comments, again.  GP, you haven't upset me at all, you just made me think...which is no bad thing.  TA, you always make me smile and you envelope me in hugs, thank you lovely lady.  Viv, we had a family friend years ago who also brought his wife's coffin to the funeral in the back of his van - partly for cost reasons, partly because he felt it was the last thing he could do for her.

I shall carry on writing the way I I've said before, getting things off my chest helps me enormously.  I do reveal some personal stuff which maybe others wouldn't - we all write what we want to.  I don't say everything on here though, even though it may seem like it, there's plenty of stuff I don't write down or say in public.  

Justjill, you asked about the anti-anxiety meds I'm on - it's called Propranolol, it's a beta-blocker (for lowering blood pressure) but is also prescribed for the physical symptoms of anxiety.  It's for things like obsessive thoughts, shaking (my hands tremble when I'm suffering severe anxiety), palpitations, sweating - it stops all that within minutes.  Well, it does for me.  I can take it up to 3x daily, once is usually sufficient for me.  It's not addictive like antidepressants can be, it doesn't have reams of side effects - although it can make you a little dizzy to start with, it did me, but that's easily dealt with by taking it at night and that side effect wore off really quickly anyhow.  And it works really well.

Husband's new antibiotics have a frighteningly long and, frankly, worrying list of side effects....he's developed a bit of a cough and some stomach upset, which I'm fairly sure are down to the antibiotics.  None of the other more worrying side effects though.  Taking pills is such a pain, they all come with added extra problems. 

Cousin finally got aunt's death certificate from the hospital yesterday, almost a week after she died.  She's got an appointment with the undertaker on Monday, so things are moving forward at last.  The limbo period between the death and the funeral is the worst part, I think.

I'm having terrible trouble sleeping at the moment, my sleep is disturbed constantly, I can't stay asleep for more than an hour at a time.  I'm sure it will sort itself out eventually, one thing the sleep clinic taught me is that there's no point worrying about it and that just makes it worse.  So I don't worry about it.  I am extremely tired though, which does make life a bit difficult - well, very difficult at times.


  1. That's an awful long time to wait for the death certificate - you cannot do anything without that piece of paper so, as you say, well and truly limbo land.
    I'm sorry you're still having problems with sleep and I guess the clinic is on the nose there - worrying about it makes it worse. With all that's going on in your life right now, it's not that surprising. Hopefully it will settle as things themselves settle.
    Sending love

  2. I have never known a death certificate take quite so long - lets hope the crematorium does have a waiting list too or that might delay everything even further. We waited a month for a slot for my MIL and my Uncle as their local crematroriums were so busy.
    I had a sleepless night last night - things going over in my mind too much so I can appreciate how you must feel. I am dragging myself around the garden today feeling washed out- might have a nap whilst DH does the tea later.

  3. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. Will look it up and see if it clashes with drugs I am already on! Not for anxiety tho.


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