
Monday 1 July 2019

Some positive news re husband

Had the emergency GP appointment at 9.10 this morning, a very nice middle-aged German locum, really nice man (even if his very strong accent kept making the TV show 'Allo 'allo keep popping into my head and i was trying hard not to laugh inappropriately - love that show).  He was very thorough, confirmed husband's morning wee sample did indeed have blood in it (it's very visible anyway) and, in front of us, dictated a letter to the Urology consultant for an urgent 'within 2 weeks' referral back to him.  He also said - to us - that we should make a point of asking the consultant why husband is getting constant pain and not be fobbed off.  He said pain whilst an infection is present is normal, pain without the infection (eg when the antibiotics have cleared it up, albeit temporarily), is not.

We made a point of asking him if we need to go to A&E when husband is peeing blood.  He said no, with husband's recent medical history it doesn't constitute an emergency, as it's almost certainly just the usual UTI causing the blood.  He should take a wee sample to the GP though, on the same day (we've been doing that anyway, virtually weekly for the past 8 or 10 weeks).  That confirms my view that there is no need for us to panic and take him to A&E or call an ambulance.

I am glad though that he's being referred back to hospital.

Meanwhile, mum's not feeling well again, she was sick last night and feels under the weather and has somehow managed to cut her leg.  Not seriously, she's always cutting herself without even knowing how and, like husband, as she's on blood thinners she does tend to bleed.

Went out for a long dog walk with my best friend yesterday evening, it was bliss.  Did me the world of good and i feel so much more positive and happier today.

Having my hair cut this afternoon, so another nice chat with my hairdresser who is also my friend and neighbour.

Got a diabetic review blood glucose is fine (I've seen the results) but i have a couple of concerns which may or may not be diabetes related, I'll discuss them with the specialist nurse tomorrow.


  1. I am almost breathing a sigh of relief for you. Ask every question you need to of the diabetes nurse.

  2. Fingers and toes crossed. Hugs !! xx

  3. Glad things are looking up. Having time with friends is such a help.

  4. Best thing for your husband, my Dr referred me to a urologist as like your husband I had pain when tests showed no infection. I had a cystoscopy and they took a biopsy on suspect area in my bladder and I was so relieved when it came back clear. Now I 'm on long term treatment and for the first time for months I am free of infection and better too, no pain. I 'll be having regular check ups too. So good luck for your husband.

  5. Continued best wishes for your husband, and also for your review today.


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