
Saturday 13 July 2019

Life is too short

Husband comes from a big family, he's one of 10 kids - well, 8 now - he was 3rd in line, now he's the eldest.  His brother who died yesterday was 69, his sister was 72 when she died a couple of years ago.  No great age, either of them.  His mum was 80 when she died, his dad just 61.  Husband is 68.  

I know it doesn't automatically follow, but with me being such a worrier and with husband's recent and current health problems, I can't help wondering whether he'll be next, and whether he'll even see 70. 

Don't tell me - I know - any one of us could get run over by a bus tomorrow (well, a tractor round here, there are no buses).  Or we could live to be 100 - unlikely for us two, with our health problems, but remotely possible.

Life is just too bloody short.


  1. From our end of life, it begins to feel much too short, I agree. I suppose one does start to think more about the end - I know I do. I guess you do what you can, make sure affairs are in order and tidy (I have a bit of work to do on that one, I think) and then just live what's left of my life as completely as I can under whatever surcumstances I find myself in.
    But yes, too short.

  2. As you know, we are only too aware of this now with Tom's illness. It makes you look back and wish you had not worried about a thing.

  3. Just to try and encourage you: my dad died at 54 yrs, mum at 64 yrs, my oldest brother is 80 next February and is a diabetic, my younger brother is 76 and has had bowel and liver cancer, I am 68 yrs old, diabetic, chronic heart failure and severe obstructive sleep apnena (?) We have all outlived our parents so I hope this does encourage a positive vibe for you.

  4. My parents died at the age of 60 and 61, my brother at 66 so when I got to 70 I had a proper celebration and now here I am at almost 73 enjoying my life of freedom to do what I want to do. We will all die eventually but it would make whatever is left to us miserable if we were to dwell on it. Just keep on keeping on sweetie - it is all that anyone can do. And smile whilst doing it too! XOXO


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