
Tuesday 30 July 2019

A rainy day

Thank you for all the comments, once again.  Cheryl, you mentioned Sundowner syndrome, which I hadn't heard of so looked up.  It does sound a lot like Mum, I've mentioned it to sis who will discuss it with the nurse.  However, at the moment the thinking is that Mum may well have another UTI, she's had more tests yesterday.  A community psychiatric nurse came to see her yesterday also, to do tests for dementia, but said they couldn't whilst there's the possibility of Mum having a UTI, as that could well be the cause of Mum's confusion etc and will taint the dementia tests.  She's had more aids (rails and so on) fitted this week and the emergency lifeline button is being installed on Friday.

We had an absolutely lovely time with our Kent friends at the beach yesterday, it was dry and warm if quite windy at times....I even got a bit sunburnt (doing a good impression of Rudolf the red nose reindeer today).  We had our picnic, then went for a walk and stopped at the Park café for drinks.  I hope it won't be too long before we see them again, hopefully they'll be able to come and stay with us.

Not done much today as we've had heavy showers ever since I got up - no thunder though as was forecast.  It does look as though it might be breaking up now though, the sun is struggling to come out.  We did pop out for a little bit of shopping and to post a couple of cards - I'm still making cards and still really enjoying the process.  Ideas for cards just pop into my head, which is nice (except when it's in the middle of the night!).  I have a family wedding card to make, I want it to be quite a chic and elegant design and know exactly how I want it to be, I've started on it and it's looking good.

Still no scan results for husband, which is frustrating.


  1. Glad your beach day went well! My nose is usually the first place to catch the sun.
    Hope your mum feels more settled soon.
    Looking forward to seeing some more of your card makes :)

  2. It's so good to read an up beat post long may it continue. It's about time you had some good days.

  3. I think I can see you smiling...


  4. A good day. Hope things improve and you have another one.

  5. Would love to see the card. If you could.
    Glad the day out went splendiferous.
    Have you put in with Santa for his team?

  6. Glad you had a nice day. Those UTI's in the elderly can cause so much confusion. My mom thought my kids were me and my sisters, hard to deal with.


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