
Monday 7 February 2022

Another caravan idea

 I will shut up about caravan stuff soon, I promise!

I've finished the main body of one of the throws, just need to do 2 or 3 rows of edging now.  I'll be glad to see the back of it.  Sue, yes I'll be picking up the ends and crocheting them in with the edging - trouble is, there are still lots of ends in the middle part to weave in....if you see what I mean!  It's a big granny square - well, it started off that way - I changed colours every 2 or 3 rounds.  Anyway, it looks nice, even nicer when it's finally finished!  The second throw is all stripes, no ends in the middle to weave in, so will be easier.

We won't be staying overnight at the van for the first couple of weeks, not until we've finished taking the old sofa out and making good before putting the new furniture in.  We do have several fleece throws in the van, both in the lounge and the bedrooms - well, they're not in the van at the moment, we brought them all home at the end of last season.  The crocheted throws are additional, to give a bit of colour (the fleeces are all plain ones) as well as extra warmth.  

I've not had much luck getting curtain liners, well not in the sizes I need anyway - I would have to alter them all and you know how much I hate sewing!  I've had an idea though - think I might just buy some cheap cream fleeces and cut them to size - should be able to just use iron on hem/webbing stuff, or maybe even get away with not doing that at all - I don't think fleeces fray do they?  Then it's just a question of fitting them behind the curtains, using the existing curtain hooks.  They're just for extra insulation on the single glazed windows, they'll be hidden behind the curtains, so it doesn't really matter what they are.  Everything we do in the caravan, we try to do on a budget, with an eye to practicality and comfort as well as saving money.

I didn't get round to doing the menu lists yesterday, too busy with other things, so that'll be a job for today.  Had a nice dinner yesterday - pork loin chops in a homemade cider cream sauce with sage and thyme.  Roasted parsnips and new potatoes, which I parboiled first then squashed prior to roasting, to get more crispy bits.  Savoy cabbage and green beans.  Today it'll be a pasta bake of some sort.

Finally there's now a little bit of colour appearing in the front garden, other than the roses round the front door which have continued to flower, albeit small flowers that sometimes don't get past the bud stage.  There's one lovely deep pink cyclamen (I planted several, but only one seems to have survived), and in pots some yellow crocuses and some tiny narcissi.  Very welcome signs of Spring to come.

I'm going to try and get the final edging rounds of the blue blanket done today, if not the remaining ends to weave in, that'll be done tomorrow hopefully.  One job off the list.


  1. Have to admit, Sooze, when I read that first sentence, I immediately thought "Oh, Nooooo! Don't stop writing about your caravan!" I, for one, love hearing about your plans. Lining the curtains with fleece sounds like a good idea, and no, I don't think fleece frays, so the job should be a good 'un. You're all going to be as snug as bugs in there. xx

  2. Please don't stop talking about the caravan I'm loving it. Wouldn't fleece make the most cosy curtains in a baby's bedroom. So quick to wash and dry too. Girl, you are brilliant.

  3. I used cheap fleece throws in our last house and they lasted years with no fraying. For some reason they did get grubbier than the curtains ever did - I guess the material traps dust? Anyway, as I only tacked them on to the back of the curtains they were easy enough to remove and wash and were very effective. Please keep talking about your caravan plans - I'm another who loves hearing all about it!

  4. I love reading about your caravan, and it is a very important part of you, so please do not stop.

    I have not used fleece as a curtain liner, but I would think it will work. I have, however, used quilt batting and that's been very successful. Do bear in mind it makes the overall curtain much more bulky when it is drawn open.

  5. Please don't. I love reading about your ideas and plans.
    I've never heard of fleece curtains but that doesn't mean it wouldn't work. What a good idea. Maybe make up one and see what you think.

  6. You MUST keep telling us about the caravan or I'll have to go out and buy another one!!

    The fleece idea sounds really good and using the iron-on webbing will be so much easier to do.

  7. Please keep on with the caravan plans and telling us all about them. I lived in my caravan for several years and loved it; wish I still had one now but alas . . . . so I live my caravan life vicariously through you, reading about it and staying in your caravan with you (but very quietly!)


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