
Saturday 5 February 2022


 I slept like a log last night, no gut problems, so am feeling much better today.  We're off out for a walk and some window shopping this morning, just to get out of the house for a few hours.....husband wants to sit watching TV all afternoon, it's the start of the 6 Nations rugby, which I don't mind being on.

People's opinions do upset me sometimes and I do have a habit of dwelling on them.  But I need to remember - they're just opinions, someone else's, and what they think is not what I think, we're not all clones of each other and we don't all have the same priorities.  And they don't walk in my shoes!

Thank you for your supportive comments, ladies, I appreciate them very much, they help to get me back on an even keel.


  1. That's great news, I'm very glad.
    Have a lovely walk and window shop and enjoy the rugby. xx

    1. Thanks Joy, husband will enjoy the rugby more than me! But at least it's better than all the boring rubbish he normally watches (or rather, dozes in front of!). xx

  2. I'm Buddhist and we're taught that words are just vapour being breathed out and can only affect us if we breath it in .This is not meant as advice because you are right only you can know your own circumstances. All I can say is that getting into the habit of thinking like this has helped me get off the hamster wheel.

  3. Sending hugs. I'm glad that you got some good sleep. To be honest, something like the Six Nations for me is an excuse to settle with knitting. I once got three sweaters finished during a football World Cup!

    1. Yep, I'm crocheting rather than watching. I don't mind the rugby being on, but could do without husband's running commentary on it! (they pay people on TV to do that....).

  4. So glad you're feeling better. A good night's sleep can work wonders! I hope the weather is nice for your walk, cold and rainy here. xx

    1. Yes, hooray for sleep. It was quite sunny but with a freezing cold wind, unfortunately xx

  5. I must say I've gotten enjoyment out if sports coverage in the US on things like Rugby and Premier League football, or soccer as we call it. I'm glad you slept well and feel better. Keep looking forward to your caravan time.

    1. There aren't many sports I actively watch or enjoy. A good night's sleep works wonders.

  6. I like the comment from Jessica, so much wisdom.

    Ages ago I saw a meme-type thing online with the caption "8 billion people on the planet and you're going to let the opinion of one idiot ruin your day?"

    Puts the disagreements and horrid blog comments into perspective?

    1. And that's another good bit of wisdom, thank you.

  7. I enjoy your blog every day. Thank you.


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