
Wednesday 16 February 2022

Using up leftovers

 I had some cooked veggies left over from Sunday dinner that had been put in the fridge.  Normally, small amounts of leftover veg get put in the freezer until there's enough to make bubble and squeak....this time, though, I had an idea and thought I'd do something different with them.  So yesterday I roughly mashed the veg (4 roast potatoes, a few carrots, some Brussels sprouts and a few peas) and mixed in some Philadelphia-type soft cheese to bind it and plenty of pepper, to make a sort of vegetable spread.  I piled it on hot toast, sprinkled it with a bit of grated cheese and stuck it back under the grill.  We had it for lunch yesterday - it was blimmin lovely!  I like leftovers, I like the challenge of turning them into something else, something different to what they were originally.

Today it'll be the leftover Coronation chicken in sandwiches for lunch, and to continue the curry theme I'm going to make Sue's lentil dahl, with added diced potatoes, for dinner, served with brown basmati rice.

I did manage to get the washed bedding and towels dried on the line on Monday, but not much chance of putting washing outside to dry the rest of this week, showers or heavier rain forecast all week, including the two named is already here by the sound of the wind howling outside, the other (worse) coming on Friday.  Never mind, at least it's not cold, and apparently the weather is going to be much better next week.  I hope it stays nice for the following week, when it's Caravan Time!! 😁😁  Meanwhile, I just hope our caravan is ok....husband keeps saying well it was perfectly ok whilst it was unused and not maintained for 18 months after the previous owner died.  I'm sure he's right....but then again, I'm a bit worried about all the pots I have in the garden - there were pots there before we took it over, but they were all buried under 18 months worth of uncut grass!

This morning we're taking Betty to the groomers at the local agricultural college - she loves it there, they make a big fuss of her.  Then we're going to town for a couple of things, and collecting our medications - and Betty of course - on the way back.  She'll be smelling lovely and have the pink bow they insist on putting on her round her neck.


  1. I find meals that are cobbled together from leftovers and whatever you have in the fridge/freezer, are invariably tastier. I'm sure the caravan will be OK. Does the manager live on site? If so, he'll be keeping an eye on things. xx

    1. K, yes the owner and his daughter, joint owner, both live on site (in houses!), so I expect we'd get a phone call if there was anything wrong. xx

  2. Very clever, Sooze. I love leftovers meals too.

    1. Thank you Joy, it was surprisingly nice. xx

  3. I am a fan of leftovers too. Such a great idea.

  4. Great idea on the leftovers!
    Betty would like a tartan plaid bow please.Or at least red.

  5. Wow, I bet that spread did taste amazing. Great use of leftovers.

    God bless.

  6. Don't they smell lovely when they come back from the groomers. I'm glad that Betty like going, I hate taking Archie because he doesn't like going but needs must, he'd be in a terrible tangle if he didn't go. The groomer is lovely, we've tried quite a few over the years so I know we're leaving him in the best care, it's just a case that he's got a bit of separation anxiety. We've got off quite lightly so far in the storms, a bit of damage to a couple of fence panels, but as you say, there's worse yet to come. Fingers crossed that your caravan's okay.

  7. I have already written somewhere today that I like the leftovers much more than the befores! Your creation sounds so delicious!

  8. I love meals made with leftovers.They're so tasty and inventive.

  9. Leftovers meals are just the best aren't they.

    Caravan time is sneaking up nice and quickly now :-)


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