
Saturday 15 April 2023

All ready, and blimmin technology

 Everything's packed, done and ready to go off to the caravan - well, other than the food to be packed in the coolbox, which obviously I'll do just before we leave.

I won't be taking my laptop - for some unknown reason I cannot get it to connect to the blimmin MiFi router thing I bought ages ago to use at the caravan.  Initially, I couldn't remember my password (of course!!) seeing as it's months since I last used the router, back when we were at the caravan last season.  The link to reset the password....sends a text to the MiFi router....which I can't of course read until I connect the router!!  Which I can't do without the password!  I gave up for a while and went and did another job, then came back to it....and this time my laptop wouldn't even recognise the router.  So I gave up.  I bloody hate technology, it's far too sophisticated for me.

I have my phone, of course, on which I can access the internet, although the signal at the park is a bit hit and miss.  I can read blogs but writing a post is a bit of a longwinded thing, especially if the signal isn't playing ball.  So I won't be posting anything until Wednesday, when we come home to collect some more clothes and food and I go to my physio exercise class.  I'll try and do a post before we go back to the caravan.

I've sorted out yarn to take with me for the start of the granny squares blanket, I have several single balls and half balls in various shades of pinks, purples and blues, along with a few complete balls of cream which I'll use for the final round of each square and the edging of the finished blanket.  I'm looking forward to it, it'll be a blanket for my bed here at home.

KirstenM, a new reader?  Welcome, and thanks for commenting.

Husband helped out yesterday, he did everything I asked him to do, although he did get a couple of things wrong, doing the total opposite of what I'd asked (but at least he tried).  Patience is a virtue!

The sky is blue and the sun's up, it's going to be a nice day.  Take care everyone and I'll be back posting next Wednesday - I will be reading your blogs whilst away. 


  1. Another technophobe here, too. Have a lovely few days at the caravan. xx

  2. Totally agree about technology - it's a right pain! Have a wonderful time and enjoy the crochet. xx

  3. Have a great time…read, crochet, enjoy your friends.

  4. Have a lovely break, ‘see’ you soon

  5. Hopefully the weather is lovely and you can sit outside in the sunshine ☀

  6. Technology is indeed a pain...but a necessary evil. I try to stay on top of things because my hubby hasn't a clue!


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