
Thursday 6 April 2023

The Sword of Damocles

 Thank you for all the good wishes yesterday, right now it feels like the sword of Damocles is hanging over our heads (I'm such a drama queen! 😂).  I don't know whether we'll be told the results or conclusions of the tests/assessment today, we'll just have to wait and see I guess.

We shared the housework jobs yesterday and so were finished by lunchtime, makes it so much easier when both of us are doing it.  I didn't have to press-gang husband into doing it either, he volunteered - wanting to keep himself busy.  Made a few plans in the afternoon, discussing what we're going to do in the garden this year - not much, just keeping it tidy really.  The pots in the front garden need sorting out, weeding and top dressing with new compost, I'll get some petunias and geraniums to go in them.  I had those at the caravan last year and they put on a really good display all summer long, they weren't too bothered about the lack of consistent watering, the geraniums especially, when we weren't there either.  Got a tiny bit of top up shopping to do tomorrow morning, things I forgot the other day, so I'll get the plants then.  

I didn't sleep very well last night, as expected.....husband said he slept reasonably well though.  He's pulled a muscle or something in his back so took paracetamol and codeine last night, which probably helped him sleep.

Mostly sunny today and tomorrow, thankfully.  That's all I've got to say, for now.


  1. I know it's hard to wait...and wait for results...sending prayers!!

  2. Finger crossed that the test results aren't as bad as you think they might be. You have been under so much stress lately and could do with some good news. Xx

  3. I hope the news is good. Sending hugs. xx

  4. Fingers firmly crossed that the outcome of the tests is good. xx


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