
Tuesday 18 April 2023

The gang's all here

 More of our upper level neighbours have arrived now, the better weather forecast has brought them, so lots of catching up done which is really nice.  Most of us are outside in the afternoons doing some gardening, us included, with laughter and chatting going on, it's brilliant.

Oh I forgot to mention.... our lovely van neighbour Charlie made me a lovely wooden trug, how nice of him.  He's a very talented carpenter, that was his job for many years and he still loves doing little wooden projects, despite being 87!!  I'm going to put a wood stain on it (he left it natural so I could make up my own mind how I wanted it) and put a couple of nice plants in it (in pots).  I'll take a photo.  

The pile of granny squares has grown, I think I've done about 20 now.


  1. It sounds absolutely lovely, Sooze. xx

  2. Now that's the sort of 'getaway' you need on a regular basis - outside in the sunshine, chatting with friends and having a wonderful time. Long may it last. And such a lovely surprise gift from Charlie. (I reckon he'll be enjoying some of your home baking soon . . . )

  3. Glad you are enjoying yourselves!

  4. What a great gift from your neighbour, you sound happy and that's lovely. :-)

  5. Have fun. I hope when you move to a town this is your norm…where you can walk to stores and meet others.

  6. It's good to hear you sounding so happy, Sooze. What a lovely gesture from Charlie. Great work on the granny squares, too. Hopefully the finished blanket won't be needed for many months, though! xx

  7. Sounds as if you are having a wonderful time. That is a very nice gift from your neighbour.

    God bless.


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