
Sunday 30 April 2023


 I've just told husband I need a break from literally everything, as I feel like I'm on the verge of a breakdown - having to think about, plan and do absolutely everything is causing me so much stress I feel like I've got a concrete block on top of my head, pressing me down into the ground.  The ongoing situation with problem relative (who is currently posting numerous stupid messages about a bloody lightbulb (he ordered the wrong one) is doing my head in, so I've temporarily blocked him again, if he drops dead so be it.  I'm going to do only what's absolutely necessary for the rest of the day, then stay up in my bedroom for a few days until I feel calmer.  If I don't calm this stress down I'm not going to be able to cope with my sister and friend coming here in a fortnight.

And after I told husband all this......he merely asked if we were having the quiche I'd made yesterday for lunch today!  I'm having a meltdown and all he thinks about is his stomach.


  1. Oh my goodness sweetheart...I had to smile and shake my head at the last sentence. Maybe he just knew to leave well enough alone.
    It's need a break. I hope you can find some peace's good to have blocked the relative. Don't want extra drama in your life, don't pick it up...
    Big hugs coming at you!

  2. Oh, Sooze. You're under so much stress at the moment, it's no wonder you want to hide from the world. Do whatever helps, and hopefully things will settle down quickly. I hope you know that I and lots of others are sending love your way. xx

  3. That's men for you! Mind tells me not to make a fuss of I mention not feeling well.

  4. I hope you can rest and have some time to yourself. Sometimes we just need to be left alone I think. Take care x

  5. Oh my goodness Sweet Pea, I wish you peace and that you can find some joy for a moment. Life is hard sometimes and seems to be hitting you especially hard right now. Please try to rest, and hopefully recharge.

  6. One comment only
    Please I hope you get to move somewhere you can get out and about. Walk and walk and walk and walk…been there trust me…prayers my friend

  7. It's so hard when you don't drive, being able to get myself away for a while used to be the only thing that kept me sane.

    Men eh, so typical that all he thought to ask about was his lunch, how you didn't slam the whole quiche over his head amazes me. Stick to your guns and really look after yourself for a few days and leave him to fend for himself.

  8. Take a break, block who you need to block. If you have to bury your head under the blankets and rest.

    God bless.

  9. Oh, dear Sooze, why is it so tough right now. Sending all my love and big hugs. I'm glad you have blocked the relative - it's not helping you at all. xx


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