
Thursday 20 April 2023


 To cut a long story short, I didn't have my physio exercise class yesterday - after sitting there waiting for 20 mins I enquired if they were running late.  Turns out they'd changed the time of the class from 2.15 pm, bringing it forward to 1.00 pm.  Only they omitted to tell me 😡.  So wasted time and journey.  They apologised profusely and thanked me for taking the news so calmly - well what else could I do, stamping my feet wouldn't change anything.  However, this is the 4th time I've had a physio appointment cancelled, rearranged or buggered up, they seem to be totally disorganised there.  

Oh well, I'm on holiday so shall just relax, no more appointments until husband's head scan in just over 2 weeks.  Oh, Betty has a grooming appointment a week on Friday so we'll have to go back for that.

I was absolutely shattered yesterday evening, it was an early start and a very busy day.  I crocheted a couple of squares, then went to bed early to read...well, I managed a few pages before the book fell off the bed and woke me and Betty up.


  1. That's terrible! Such a waste of your time and so unprofessional. But, as you say, there's no point getting het up about it. All that does is raise your blood pressure! I remember one time my husband was waiting to see a consultant. We sat there for ages before we enquired how much longer we'd have to wait. Apparently, the consultant had left the hospital, as the appointment list hadn't been updated on his computer! There were 3 or 4 other patients waiting, too. Not fun at all! Anyway, breathe, relax and enjoy the spring weather. xx

  2. That's very poor service indeed. I'd be huffing and puffing all over the place. As long as they don't mark you down an a no-show. xx

  3. I'd be pretty annoyed if that happened to me. What a shambles.

  4. There Must be someone who you can tell this to! If they are doing it to You, they're doing it to others!
    Not Right!


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