
Sunday 2 April 2023


 It's a lovely morning, blue sky and sunshine and the wind has dropped considerably.  We're off to the caravan as soon as we're ready, which will be around 09.30 ish, back sometime on Tuesday morning (have to come back then as we need to go to the surgery to collect prescriptions and have a word with the receptionist).  I'm so looking forward to these first couple of days away there, even Betty's excited (she's clearly picking up on my excitement!).  Had a text from our lovely van neighbours C & J yesterday to say they'll be down for their first visit in 2 or 3 weeks, it'll be so nice to see and catch up with them.

I'm not taking my laptop and doubt I'll be blogging on my phone, so will post again Tuesday.  Have a lovely few days everyone.


  1. Have a lovely, lovely time, Sooze. xx

  2. Have a lovely catch up with your friends. Relax and enjoy every second! xx

  3. Probably too late but I hope you have a lovely relaxing time at the caravan - and that there will be someone there for your husband to chat with.

  4. Enjoy your stay and be sure to let us all know how relaxing it was for you when you are back.

    God bless.

  5. Have a proper relaxing few days. X

  6. I can feel the excitement in your words, no wonder Betty has picked up on it. I hope you have a lovely couple of days. xx


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