
Wednesday 19 April 2023

Physio and head scan

 We've come home for the day so I can go to my physio exercise class, collect the post and do a few jobs here.  So far I've put on a wash load, made 3 cakes (all the same, I'm not mad enough to do 3 different ones!) to take back with us, dealt with the post, marked a couple of appointments on the calendar, made an important phone call, and sorted out some more clothes, food and meds to take.  I'm knackered already.  

We've received husband's head scan appointment letter, luckily, considering the problems with the post here - it's on Friday 5 May, just before the King's Coronation.  Let's hope it doesn't get cancelled or rearranged due to any more strikes, the waiting around for tests and results is doing my head in.

Being at the caravan is certainly relaxing physically - I don't have even half as many jobs to do there as I do here at home.  Mentally, though, it's not particularly relaxing, especially at the moment - as I'm not so busy and often sit just crocheting (which I enjoy and do find relaxing), my mind is free to worry!  But there it is, I can't help it, I'm a worrier by nature.

My physio class is at 2.15, husband will go to the vets to collect Betty's monthly flea tablets (we get 6 months supply at a time, ringing the vet was another job I had to do this morning) and then we'll be on our way back to the caravan.  Husband suggested picking up KFC on the way back - we pass one on the way - so it's KFC and salad for dinner tonight so at least I don't have to cook or even prepare anything.

The small air fryer I bought for the caravan works brilliantly, in fact I would say it even cooks better than my big dual drawer Lakeland home one.  I'm so glad I got it.  The Lakeland one is alright, I'm not complaining, it's just that I've found the smaller drawer doesn't cook quite as efficiently as the bigger drawer and so I have to add on an extra few minutes when I'm using the smaller drawer.  No problem really, just something I have to be aware of if I'm using both drawers.  On the whole, I'm really pleased with both AFs, and the home one has certainly reduced our electricity bill as I now hardly ever use my big oven.

Another pair of our lovely van neighbours arrived yesterday, their first time back, put their water on and discovered a burst pipe which flooded part of their van.....we all pitched in to help out.  We consider ourselves so fortunate to have had next to no problems with our van.  We've got a small fan heater we're taking back with us today, to help dry their van out - they need a dehumidifier really, but it'll be a small help until they get it sorted.  They can't get a plumber to come out until next week!

It's not such nice weather today, it's a bit cloudy and there's still a cold wind blowing. although the sun is forecast to be out by the time we get back to the van later.  Should be a nice day tomorrow though.  

My hayfever (triggered by tree pollen) is in full swing, so I'm having to take antihistamines every day - the park is surrounded by trees which doesn't help!  But I'd rather the trees were there, they look nice and provide shelter.

Hope everyone's ok, I am reading blogs when I've got signal.


  1. How lovely that the park community pitch in if someone has a problem. Reminds me of the theme to "Neighbours", "that's when good neighbours become good friends!" I'm glad the head scan isn't too far ahead. Fingers crossed it goes ahead. Hope the physio helps and you don't feel too sore afterwards. xx

  2. My hay fever is starting to impact too. Thank goodness for effectiove meds. xx


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