
Friday 7 April 2023

Wrung out and sleepless

 I've been awake since just before 03.00, I did try reading in bed for a while but couldn't concentrate on the book, so I got up about 04.30.  My mind was full of husband's assessment and tests yesterday and what the outcome will be.  Hannah (the doctor) was asking husband all sorts of questions about his childhood, medical history, employment history past and present (well, until he retired), hobbies (he didn't say TV watching!), what he did last week - I guessed she was testing to see how his memory was working for both past and present events.  She occasionally asked me if I agreed with what he was saying.  She asked if he'd ever been knocked unconscious or had any kind of head injury.  She took copious notes - I wished I could see what she was writing!  I've been trying to work out what she was thinking he could be suffering from - trying to second guess her I suppose, which is ridiculous really.  She did say that if it's not a form of dementia, it could be a kind of cognitive impairment - whatever that means.  Having to wait now until the end of next week is going to be agonising - although husband said yesterday that he feels relieved, I could see for myself that he seemed lighter and less stressed.  Personally, I just feel wrung out now.  I shall just have to try and keep as occupied as possible for the coming week.

This morning we're going to be doing some gardening, as the forecast is very good.  Husband will cut the grass and do a bit of tidying up in the back garden, whilst I sort out all the pots in the front garden - quite a few have flowering Spring bulbs (going over now) and anemones, but they're also full of weeds.  Some have perennials in which need last year's dead growth taking off, and most need top dressing with fresh compost.  We might have a drive out somewhere this afternoon.  Tomorrow afternoon we're going to friends for a barbecue, which will be good.  I want to do a bit more decluttering and sorting next week, husband has said he wants to thin down his wardrobe and shoe storage - amazingly.  He has about twice as many shoes as I do!  All my footwear fits in a small square Lloyd Loom ottoman, his footwear is all over the place.  And he's just bought a new pair of walking boots, his previous most-used ones have split and started throw them out then, not much point in keeping them!

I need to have a day doing batch cooking, and I think I'll make some cheese biscuits to take with us to our friends tomorrow.  I bought several packs of cheap veggies - carrots, parsnips, swede and Savoy cabbages all on offer for Easter at 19p.  Most of the carrots and parsnips I'll prep and roast in the air fryer, the swede will be boiled and mashed and all frozen.  I'll make coleslaw to have with dinner tonight - salmon and a jacket potato I think.  

Thank you so much everyone for the supportive comments and good wishes, I really appreciate it.


  1. I'm not surprised you couldn't sleep. Until you get definitive answers, you'll still worry. Keeping busy is a good idea, as is taking a nap whenever you can. Let's hope the weather stays dry and warm. Winter's gone on long enough now! xx

  2. Of course you couldn’t sleep, your mind must have been buzzing. I wonder if the cognitive impairment is something to do with your husband’s dyspraxia? My daughter has dyspraxia which is why I’m interested. I hope you get your jobs done today, a bit of busyness and fresh air should sort you out for tonight. Enjoy the sunshine.x

    1. Fiona, the psychologist was very interested in the fact that husband is dyslexic with dyspraxic tendencies. She asked several questions about his experiences.

  3. No wonder you couldn't sleep. It's a huge thing to have hanging over you. Hopefully a bit of pottering in the garden will help take your mind off it all.

  4. The waiting is the hard part...not knowing. We've been there...Praying for a Good outcome next week and a definitive answer to all the questions you have.
    Happy Easter!

  5. Waiting can be awful - I hope the results come back quickly. Sending love and distanced hugs. xx

  6. Wouldn't it be great to sleep until the report comes in?
    Keep yourself busy and you are doing that, sounds as if hubs is ready to carry on with life's great that the person doing the interview is so nice. I was always expecting old crabby mean ladies. I have found that a great learning curve for me the older I get the more the officials are turning into youngsters....luckily qualified ones. Hugs.


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