
Wednesday 12 April 2023

Busy morning

 I've been busy and achieved a lot already this morning.  Sorted out a wash load and put it in to be done overnight on the cheap(er) rate electricity.  Prepped tonight's dinner - some of the rich mince I cooked yesterday, topped with a tin of macaroni cheese, with grated cheese and breadcrumb topping, with Savoy cabbage prepped and ready to cook.  Packed a bag of food and treats for Betty to take to the caravan, and part packed some food things for us.  Done a menu plan for next week (I have enough homecooked frozen dinners for 5 days to take with us) and written a short shopping list for Friday.  Now I'm just about to make some cheese scones to go in the AF, we'll have them with tomato soup for lunch.

I asked husband to sort out his unwanted clothes and shoes for the charity shop - he's done the shoes but not the clothes, he'll need a bit of encouragement to continue with that.  I've had a look through mine, there's not much I don't wear, I've mostly thinned it out already.  I do need to buy a couple of pairs of leggings/jeggings though, one or two of mine are pretty much at the 'only suitable for home' stage.  I could also do with some new PJs, I generally get changed into them soon after dinner, I like to be comfortable in the evenings.

Now I've got everything on my list done, we might sit and watch the Agatha Christie mini series 'Why didn't they ask Evans?' this afternoon, we've recorded it.  The weather is dreadful now, chucking it down and galeforce winds, so certainly not going out weather, even Betty won't go out.


  1. It's been forever since I've made tomato soup! Sounds really good right now.
    Stay in and stay warm!

  2. You put me to shame, getting so much done. Nothing quite like getting into your PJ's is there? We've been out this morning and boy is it cold! The wind goes straight through. I was planning on getting in the garden, but I've changed my mind! Staying inside in the warm is the best option, methinks. xx

  3. I'm with you on the pj's after dinner. A girls gotta be comfy. X


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