
Thursday 13 April 2023

Things moving along

 A welcome surprise - yesterday afternoon we had a phone call from Hannah, the psychologist who came to do husband's memory assessment.  If you recall, she said she would be discussing husband at a case conference yesterday and would give us a ring today or tomorrow, so it was a relief to receive her phone call yesterday.  She said they haven't yet come to any firm conclusions and need more information - to this end they want husband to have a brain scan, and will discuss things further once the scan result is received.  She said he'll get an appointment through the post within the next fortnight, the scan will be done at Musgrove Park, the big hospital in Taunton.  So more waiting to do, but at least we know.  And I'm pleased he's having the brain scan.  The scan will be looking to see if his carotid arteries are narrowed or furred up (his cardiologist was already of the opinion that they may well be, causing lack of oxygenated blood to his brain) - it will also show if there are any areas of husband's brain which are damaged.  Or indeed already dead.  So we may as well try to put things out of our minds until he has the scan.  So good job we're going to the caravan on Saturday and our lovely van neighbours will be there, they are actually arriving today and staying for a fortnight.

We'll be staying for a week, longer probably, but will be popping back home once or twice so can check the post for the appointment letter.  As it happens, I have my first physio exercise class next Wednesday at the local hospital in Bridgwater, so we'll have to come back then anyway (that's if it actually goes ahead!).  We'll pop back home after my class, to bring home some washing and collect more clothes and frozen food, then go back to the caravan.

This morning I have a phone appointment with my physiotherapist - a waste of time as far as I'm concerned, if she suggests another I shall decline, I don't think it serves any purpose really, all she's doing is checking I'm doing my exercises (I am, when I remember!).

At least now I know I can go do our little bit of needed shopping anytime this afternoon or tomorrow, without having to wait in for a phone call.

We've got a few pots blown around the garden due to the gale force winds last night, I expect there will be at the caravan too.  Much calmer this morning, thank goodness, the winds kept me awake a lot last night, a few showers forecast this morning but not much wind.  It's sunny at the moment, albeit with a few clouds.  My hayfever is in full swing, very itchy nose and eyes.

Oh, and that bungalow we really liked that ticked all our boxes, other than being far away from our preferred area, still hasn't been let, so we're sort of still in the running for it.  And I'm still ambivalent about it!


  1. Well, at least there was no definite diagnosis of dementia. It's looking more likely that it's his arteries that are narrowed. Not that I'm a doctor!
    You'll have a lovely time at the caravan. The weather is supposed to be improving over the next week or so (not before time!). You never know, that bungalow might be just right. Can you look round it beforehand, or just the area? Meeting a couple of the neighbours would be good, if possible. xx

    1. We've already been to look at the outside/garden and check out the village and local amenities. Can't look inside it until/unless the Council decide to offer it to us. If husband's arteries are narrowed, then the lack of oxygenated blood may already have damaged areas of his brain. It's all so worrying, I wish we could know earlier but just have to wait. xx

  2. How good of Hannah to call you, she must have known how worried you both were and as you say, you have to wait for the brain scan results so you might as well relax and enjoy yourself at the caravan.
    It does seem like the bungalow is waiting for you. The one point I would make is that even though you live near your friends and they help you, they won’t always be there, people move on or become unwell, and then you will be on your own anyway and it may be better for you to be nearer amenities because of your circumstances. Just a thought.

  3. Good news about what Hannah told you! And an ultrasound really will help.
    Glad you both are going to the park for some deserve it!

  4. The ultrasound will hopefully clarify things for you both. Things to weigh up when considering moving.. public transport as at some point driving may not be an option. Doctors surgery/dentist reasonably close at hand. Shops and possibly hairdresser though nowadays we can shop online and have a mobile hairdresser come to the house..


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